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AapoRantalainen 2010-05-31 13:42

[Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle/N900 is now in extras-testing.

* It is one package (<10M to /opt/mypaint) containing mypaint and mypaint-data (package mypaint-data is not needed or used anymore, you should remove it, if you have previous version installed)

* It has one additional brush kit from CreativeTone.

* It uses ~/.mypaint for default directory for scraps.

* Some of menus are hildonized by anders_gud. If you prefer original menus more, just make empty file named gtk_menu to default directory
(e.g. on the shell touch ~/.mypaint/gtk_menu) and remove it if you want use hildonized menus again.

* Old thread about porting/packaging mypaint:

PipoXtreme 2010-06-01 20:38

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
I don't know .. but the mypaint update is in the app manager.. but when I want install it ..there come the message..It's not possible to install. What can be the Problem? ?

doksng 2010-06-01 20:50

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Got the same error. seems the new version is not compatible with the old one.

ToJa92 2010-06-01 20:52

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by AapoRantalainen (Post 691772)
* It is one package (<10M to /opt/mypaint) containing mypaint and mypaint-data (package mypaint-data is not needed or used anymore, you should remove it, if you have previous version installed)]

Did you read this? I guess that it wont work before you remove that package.

Creativetone 2010-06-02 00:50

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
I Just cleaned mine Brush Library..

And I wish that Aapo could replace mine brushes with these?

These are now named and organized.. and there is no
so many nonsense brushes.

This is now quite clean set.. useful brushes ( 60 ).

Especially pencil and ink tools are improved...
EDIT: V2 set coming soon.. plus "new" global pressure mapping.


Dousan 2010-06-02 06:09

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
I second the new brush set from Tone in the next update and good to hear that it finally made it to testing. Keep up the good work Aapo :D

@Tone nice to hear that you improved your brushes, specially the pencil and ink wich is what i use the most ;)

mannakiosk 2010-06-02 08:21

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Sorry to go a bit off topic here, but judging from the fact that tone's post was made at 3:50 AM and his heroic efforts, coupled with looking at the avatar, I suspect that tone may in fact be Batman.

Thanks for the great work, tone!

Thanks to everyone else, also!

xman 2010-06-02 10:15

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
Cool, thx Tone! Especially since you've been working hard, it ncie you took the time.

Truthfully, with all the brushes to choose from now I'm a bit over whelmed. So your update will help for sure, at some point I hope to take the time to create my own set from all the sets that's easier for me to find the brushes or grouping that I want.


harp 2010-06-05 07:56

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing
I have a question about the layer manager. ATM you can't see what each layer contains. Is it possible to get a little thumbnail preview of each layer?

Dousan 2010-06-05 08:20

Re: [Announce] MyPaint 0.8.2-1 for Fremantle in extras-testing

Originally Posted by harp (Post 700732)
I have a question about the layer manager. ATM you can't see what each layer contains. Is it possible to get a little thumbnail preview of each layer?

Theres a possibility to rename the layers in the manager. Just doubble tap on the layer. For me it was a bit tricky to find the right doubble tap timing, but it's doable and in that way you can manage your layers though it would be nice with thumpnails ;)

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