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mihapodb 2010-06-01 20:19

PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
I have a big problem that causes that nothing on desktop is not working.

I have no idea, what causes this, but it is happening after PR 1.2 update.

Nothing works, except contact shortcut. Calendar is not working, widgets, shortcuts, bookmarks, nothing... I have to reboot and than it is working again.

It happens after some uptime.

nosa101 2010-06-01 20:21

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
What widgets do you have on?

mihapodb 2010-06-01 20:34

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Celendar, 2x contact, 2xbookmark, 6xshortcut, omweather, bluezwitch, 3x desktop execution command widget.

I think that DCEW is causing problem, but I would like to ask if there is any way to manually restart hildon-desktop without reboot?

mothmanex 2010-06-01 20:38

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
I have the exact same problem. On PR 1.1 I thought that the cause was "Auto-Disconnect". Right now, I'm gonna test PR 1.2 without that app, to see if bug is still present.

cnadarajah 2010-06-01 20:57

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
i to have the same issue

benh_n900 2010-06-01 21:32

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
It happened to me before 1.2 as well as 1.2 ...

nosa101 2010-06-01 21:33

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing

Originally Posted by mihapodb (Post 694655)
Celendar, 2x contact, 2xbookmark, 6xshortcut, omweather, bluezwitch, 3x desktop execution command widget.

I think that DCEW is causing problem, but I would like to ask if there is any way to manually restart hildon-desktop without reboot?

tried removing all widgets from the repos?

Sash 2010-06-01 21:42

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
Next time try


killall hildon-home
in X-Terminal

mihapodb 2010-06-01 22:45

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing

Originally Posted by Sash (Post 694767)
Next time try


killall hildon-home
in X-Terminal

Thank you !!! It completely restarts everything, now I just have to wait for freeze :) to test if it will help.

I will report it.

fahadj2003 2010-06-01 22:55

Re: PR 1.2 bug - hildon-desktop freezing
when does it freeze?
any specific action?
*doesnt happen to me*
except when i change my theme..
but it works fine after a while..

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