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jaeezzy 2010-06-04 05:50

inbuilt bluetooth sending not working.
I'm having problem to send music via bluetooth from File Manager though I can share via service. I can pair with the device but as soon as I try to share file via bluetooth by selecting the device it says "connection failed to device". Any help? thanks...

EDIT: Just installed and tried Petrovich but the same problem..

Blaizzen 2010-06-04 06:47

Re: inbuilt bluetooth sending not working.
What device are you sending too, and has it been set up to receive bluetooth files? (I ask since my laptop only accepts files when I manually tell it to.)

nosa101 2010-06-04 06:47

Re: inbuilt bluetooth sending not working.
My mac never receives. It always fails but I can send stuff the other way around

EDIT: I found a bit of a work around. I could "get" files when browsing through my device over bluetooth

jaeezzy 2010-06-05 01:34

Re: inbuilt bluetooth sending not working.
Thanks for the replies guys, strange it worked when I tried again.. :D however, the problem persists with another windows phone but now I can confirm that the problem doesn't lie in the builtin bluetooth and thats a relief.

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