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stickymick 2010-06-07 08:05

Flash Vulnerability. (Anyone following developments?)
Did a search but only found an old thread from 2008.

As recently reported by Adobe:

I know that Maemo5 may not yet be at risk, is there anything that people may want to add to this.

Seeing that the N900 is heavily dependent on the internet and it runs a version of Flash that falls within the risk category, it would be interesting to see if Nokia and the Maemo community have any comments to make.

uTMY 2010-06-07 08:46

Re: Flash Vulnerability. (Anyone following developments?)
there is already a thread for this.


stickymick 2010-06-07 10:50

Re: Flash Vulnerability. (Anyone following developments?)
Soz for doubling up.

Thanks for the lead.

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