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dbrodie 2010-06-07 12:03

Keen Clone Port
So, had some free time and decided to try and port CloneKeen to maemo.
Basically, download this file to your home folder, un-tar-gz it, and just run the keen binary in the folder.

You will need the data files from one of the first 3 games or from the shareware game to get it working. Put the files in the data folder.

Here is a pic for proof...

fpp 2010-06-07 12:20

Re: Keen Clone Port
Wow ! Talk about a blast from the past :-)

nax3000 2010-06-07 12:34

Re: Keen Clone Port
Awesome! Any chance you could upload it to extras-devel?
Gang bang ****ing

rahulg247 2010-06-07 14:45

Re: Keen Clone Port
Really good game brings back memories. Has anyone tried it yet? Does it run at decent/full speed? I will have to wait until I get home for a chance to try it.

jacobkorf 2010-06-07 15:30

Re: Keen Clone Port
Hello Dbrodie, The good old times:). I really want to try this but i'm just a noob in installing matters.
Could you please edit the post and add installation instructions? I know you already gave them, but i have a few questions:
- You said: just put the file in home, untar it (i know how:)) and then run the binary in the folder. How can i run this? just by clicking on the file? and where do I need to put the original / shareware game files then?
- Any chance to add these to extras (testing / development) repository?

The best game for the PC for me, i love this game!

Darkwolf 2010-06-12 06:49

Re: Keen Clone Port
I hope you will have some more free time and make a nice and easy package of this. That would be awesome! ;)

bastibasti 2011-10-07 11:19

Re: Keen Clone Port
The download doesnt work, can you please re upload it?

OMOIKANE 2012-06-18 01:46

Re: Keen Clone Port
Please reupload.

trompkins 2012-06-18 14:54

Re: Keen Clone Port

Originally Posted by OMOIKANE (Post 1223468)
Please reupload.

Packaged, optified -- here. You still need to extract contents of this zipfile into /opt/clonekeen/bin/data though.

ivgalvez 2012-06-18 15:07

Re: Keen Clone Port
Please, try to upload the package to the repositories. That way more users will notice it and it won't disappear if that server goes down.

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