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pctek 2010-06-09 19:53

How to copy, paste text from websites on the microb browser
On the microb browser fo the n900 how do you go about highlighting selected text on a website so then i can copy and paste it to a new blank text file or something to view it later?

hotzigetty 2010-06-09 19:55

Re: How to copy, paste text from websites on the microb browser
Really simple. Drag your finger or stylus across the screen form the right side. you'll see a cursor icon pop up. Click on it. You can now copy text. Click on it again to go back to normal.

synca 2010-06-09 20:01

Re: How to copy, paste text from websites on the microb browser
what he said, only it's from the left side, so from outside the screen swipe from left to right and the cursor icon will pop up, click it and you'll have a mouse cursor you can use to highlight tekst as with a conventional mouse. than use ctrl-c, ctrl-v to copy paste.

pctek 2010-06-09 20:21

Re: How to copy, paste text from websites on the microb browser

Originally Posted by synca (Post 707750)
what he said, only it's from the left side, so from outside the screen swipe from left to right and the cursor icon will pop up, click it and you'll have a mouse cursor you can use to highlight tekst as with a conventional mouse. than use ctrl-c, ctrl-v to copy paste.

Man this is tough I saw this from a google search and I dont know how to do it? Theres no cursor that pops up, if i swipe from the right side off the screen towards the actual screen I get a history where i can scroll through the websites history from left and right and back and forth pretty cool I like that, but ont he left side notrhing comes up. Are you guys talking about the bottom right corner that little arror box comes ups where when you click it the website goes from full screen to where it shows more tools like the X in the corner to close the website page?

Jezz 2010-06-09 20:23

Re: How to copy, paste text from websites on the microb browser
No its a new button that pops up bottom left corner, if you drag your finger onto the screen from just above bottom left it should pop up, then you click it to activate mouse pointer

Joorin 2010-06-09 20:31

Re: How to copy, paste text from websites on the microb browser

Originally Posted by pctek (Post 707772)
Man this is tough I saw this from a google search and I dont know how to do it? Theres no cursor that pops up, if i swipe from the right side off the screen towards the actual screen I get a history where i can scroll through the websites history from left and right and back and forth pretty cool I like that, but ont he left side notrhing comes up. Are you guys talking about the bottom right corner that little arror box comes ups where when you click it the website goes from full screen to where it shows more tools like the X in the corner to close the website page?

It is hard to make it pop up. Most times, I need to swipe my finger four or five times at just the right place to make it show up.

pctek 2010-06-09 20:31

Re: How to copy, paste text from websites on the microb browser
ahah got it the key looks like the bottom left corner area I have been doing it in the middle basically all this time. thanks

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