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bman 2010-06-11 11:57

mutiple bugs/errors/glitches
currently im running my n900 with titans enhanced kernel(oc'd and stock but still get errors)
along with many other apps
and catorise, mobile hotspot, queenbeecom the 1s im having problems with

-my first problem is i cant seem to get a shortcut for mobile hotspot on the desktop it isnt in the list...??

-----when i switch my device off and back on
--catorise menu does whatever it wants and changed my customised organisation(edited file to change location of items) menus back to how it was and has also changed it again to even less subfolders than it previously had with things in totally unrelated areas
--i lose an icon off the dektop mainly 1 of my queenbeecom widgets
and also moves my queenbeecom icons from the bottom of the screen up half a shortcut height??

rickysio 2010-06-11 12:01

Re: mutiple bugs/errors/glitches
Uhh, not Nokia's fault - file these bugs in each app's bugtracker?

ndi 2010-06-11 16:58

Re: mutiple bugs/errors/glitches
Typically, the inability to add an icon to the desktop is due to it already being added. This is usually fun when it's added behind a widget or another icon.

Start throwing thing around.

bman 2010-06-12 04:31

Re: mutiple bugs/errors/glitches
i only just installed the app and havent done a shortcut yet tho.. maybe done it by default ill go looking

nope definatly not behind another icon

edit #2
browsing through the WinSCP i noticed

was a shortcut file yet the rest were the actual file so i opened it up found the link it was coming from so went to

copied that file to the hildon directory after deleting the shortcut file in the hildon dir and now it works

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