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puggan 2010-06-13 16:57

Caller name, online fetching, python, dbus
Please give me some feedback on my code, hope you have some useful tips, first time i using python :-)

I wanted to know who was calling even if i didn't have them in my abook.

So far:
I got a python script, that lisen for incoming calls on dbus.

When it gets a number it ask my webserver for the name of that number (my server ask a few swedish sites for the name of the number) and return the name to python

Python then makes a Notification whit the name.

Left to do:
* Id like this to be run in background somehow, having it in a terminal work nice for debuging, but i prefer somthing less visible later.
* The notification is showing a icon, a paper whit a red X, id like to repalce this icon.
* When i click the notification, somthing should happen, but i don't know what id like it to yet.


#! /usr/bin/env python2.5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import gobject, dbus
import time
import os
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop

def handle_call(obj_path, callernumber):
        global blocklist
        print 'Calling from '+callernumber+'...'
        import urllib
        webFile = urllib.urlopen(''+callernumber)
        name =
        print name + ' is calling.'
        import pynotify
        pynotify.init( name )
        n = pynotify.Notification(name, "Call from " + name)

bus = dbus.SystemBus()
bus.add_signal_receiver(handle_call, path='/com/nokia/csd/call', dbus_interface='', signal_name='Coming')

oakbeach 2010-06-13 20:19

Re: Caller name, online fetching, python, dbus

I'm looking forward following the thread hopefully learning a bit of python.. I made some similar efforts myself a couple of weeks ago.

picked up some code from the python callblocker script.
and parsed then i got stuck on using urllib as I'm a newbie py


ToJa92 2010-06-13 20:32

Re: Caller name, online fetching, python, dbus
Wow, this could prove useful since I also live in Sweden :D
I'll be monitoring this thread.

puggan 2010-06-13 21:19

Re: Caller name, online fetching, python, dbus

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 713589)
Wow, this could prove useful since I also live in Sweden :D
I'll be monitoring this thread.

at my server Im using hitta,se and as source, and a cache on my server, your welcome to use my server as source to.

hope i can learn some of what lirtex was doing on the same subject:


Originally Posted by lirtex (Post 713430)
What I did so far:
  1. Created a daemon that detects incoming calls.
  2. The daemon then checks if the incoming call number exists in the phone contacts.
  3. If it isn't -- it gets the number identification from the net (using libcurl).

Id like to use 1 and 2 above in my project to.

qwerty12 2010-06-13 23:51

Re: Caller name, online fetching, python, dbus

Originally Posted by puggan (Post 713377)
* The notification is showing a icon, a paper whit a red X, id like to repalce this icon.
* When i click the notification, somthing should happen, but i don't know what id like it to yet.


#! /usr/bin/env python2.5
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os
import sys
import gobject, dbus
import pynotify
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop

def cb (Notification=None, action=None, Data=None):

bus = dbus.SessionBus()
n = pynotify.Notification("Mail, mother****er!", "Call from Beelzebub", "general_clock")
n.set_hint_string("dbus-callback-default", " /com/nokia/osso_browser open_new_window string:\"callto://666\"")
n.add_action("default", "call", cb)

Alas, Hildon Desktop is incredibly stupid and will only call services registered on the Session bus, so I had go through the browser.

droll 2014-02-07 09:16

Re: Caller name, online fetching, python, dbus
on a related note, does anyone know how to capture dbus events and have it trigger a shell script? this could be easily done on N900. is there a similar directory where i can install a shell script that gets called during dbus events?

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