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bxbomber 2010-06-15 22:49

Droid X, what does everythink about it?
It's moto's answer to the htc evo 4G.
it's got a 4.4 inch screen with 854x480 res.
supposedly it's has an omap 3630 running at 1ghz
8gigs of storage
8megapixel camera that shoots 720p video.
And it's running android 2.1
from the specs it looks like it'll be a monster.

wow, imo this is going to a kickass device.

nokia needs to oneup this device if this are the types devices that android is being shipped with.
who would want to buy a nokia meego device if they don't exceed the specs of this device.

ToJa92 2010-06-15 22:52

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
I wouldn't call that a handset like Engadget do, looks more like a tablet to me. And judging by the looks of it, I don't think it would fit in a normal pocket. Correct me if I'm wrong.

bxbomber 2010-06-15 22:59

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
who needs a pocket, i'll put it in my bag, or a belt clip for it.

ToJa92 2010-06-15 23:06

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716785)
who needs a pocket, i'll put it in my bag, or a belt clip for it.

I like to have my phone with me at all times, that's why... If I wanted a real tablet(I'm not saying the N900 isn't one, but it's screen is pretty small) I would prefer something with at least a 7" screen.

bxbomber 2010-06-15 23:10

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by ToJa92 (Post 716791)
I like to have my phone with me at all times, that's why... If I wanted a real tablet(I'm not saying the N900) I would prefer something with at least a 7" screen.

makes sense, but if the dell streak is pocketable, i'm pretty sure this will be pocketable.

wmarone 2010-06-15 23:15

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
It looks good, and is huge, but I'd hold on being enthusiastic until some intrepid early adopter finds out if Motorola has locked down the device like every other non-DROID device.

nosa101 2010-06-15 23:26

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

paulkoan 2010-06-15 23:34

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by bxbomber (Post 716785)
or a belt clip for it.

Please don't. Unless you are in the US where that kind of thing is an acceptable look.

shaf 2010-06-16 00:00

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?
Really liking the look of this, too bad its motorola

bxbomber 2010-06-16 00:32

Re: Droid X, what does everythink about it?

Originally Posted by paulkoan (Post 716815)
Please don't. Unless you are in the US where that kind of thing is an acceptable look.

Why yes I do live in the US and most everyone I know has a belt clip.
I'm to assume it's not a European thing then?

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