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pingu 2010-06-20 20:20

how to deb with PyPackager?
I want to package my program into a deb package. I've read the pypackager wiki page many times ( and I understood that I need to create a directory and to create sub-directories the way I want the files to be organized on the n900 file system (for example the file will be in "myAppDir"/home/opt/ will be extracted at /home/opt/). but the tutorial is not aimed for the n900 or fremantle and PyPackager from fremantle doesn't have a gui so I really don't have a clue. could someone explain how to work with it?

gowen 2010-06-21 19:49

Re: how to deb with PyPackager?
here are some instructions on using version 3.0 of pypackager here:

pingu 2010-06-23 20:07

Re: how to deb with PyPackager?

here are some instructions on using version 3.0 of pypackager here:
tanks but he downloaded the source and than packaged it, but I don't know how to build the directory and which scripts I should write.

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