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railroadmaster 2010-06-22 22:22

Samsung Galaxy S
I have to Say I'm very impressed when I heard about this phone and I will probably buy because all sign point to the phone coming to T-Mobile USA. Specs we all want specs ok 1ghz Samsung processor, 5mp camera that shoots hd video but no flash in the camera, 521mb of ram, front facing camera however us versions don't have this, 4 inch super amoled display 800x480, and Android 2.1 with Touchwiz 3.0. My only problems with the Galaxy S would be the touchwiz ui makes it to weird looking and lack of flash in the camera. I have always thought of Touch Wiz as a iPhone and Android got drunk and had an unholy child and there you go it very iPhonish and very Androidish to but there should be a way to disable TouchWiz.
What do you guys think.

msa 2010-06-22 22:49

Re: Samsung Galaxy S
touchwiz is ok to me, but "galaxy s" sounds like its a cut-down version of the galaxy...?!

anyway, now that i have a n900, i dont see myself buying a phone with hardware keyboard anytime again.
though samsung wave is sexy as hell.

btw i had a samsung jet before and i really liked it, especially the built-in panorama-function of the camera. does this one has this as well?

jakiman 2010-07-04 03:22

Re: Samsung Galaxy S
My workmate who sits next to me got one. (in Australia)
Been playing with it. My 2cents:

- Really vibrant and very nice size screen. Wacthing videos is justs so much better on it than my N900. The 0.5" size is huge.

- It plays 720P videos downloaded off the net perfectly. 1280x720 resolution MKV files with H264 and AC3 plays butter smooth. Same with 720P xvid videos with AC3. Haven't tried ones with DTS yet. Also, the videos are crystal clear. Has option of stretch to screen or keep ratio. So as a video player on the go, it can't be beat nearly.

- Games play with amazing framerate. Man, wish N900 had some decent proper 3D games. I guess we'll never get them. Well, maybe 1 or 2. Whoopee.

- Supports so many input languages out of the box. Nearly all european and asian languages. Even handwriting recognition for Korean out of the box. Awesome. Nokia needs to learn from this.

Anyways. It's a great Android device. Probably the best one out there currently. In terms of hardware, it is the best.
This makes me itchy to find out what we'll get to see end of this year and next year. Bring on the super phones!

btw, seen the HTC HD3 specs? 1280x800 4.5" display! wow.
Where is Nokia's super duper amazing next-gen phone?!?! Nokia needs to step up.

rickysio 2010-07-04 03:47

Re: Samsung Galaxy S

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 740012)
btw, seen the HTC HD3 specs? 1280x800 4.5" display! wow.
Where is Nokia's super duper amazing next-gen phone?!?! Nokia needs to step up.

HD3 is fake.

*Face palm*

jakiman 2010-07-04 04:10

Re: Samsung Galaxy S

Originally Posted by rickysio (Post 740026)
HD3 is fake.

*Face palm*

Is it? LOL If so, ah well. :D

But considering Qualcomm annouced dual core Snapdragon CPUs that can do 1080p video recording/playback and that Android 3.0 has support for 1280x760 res displays, I can't imagine it being any worse for our future phones. Looking at Galaxy S, Samsung will have something as good or better than that fake HD3 up their sleeves already.

railroadmaster 2010-07-04 04:14

Re: Samsung Galaxy S

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 740012)
My workmate who sits next to me got one. (in Australia)
Been playing with it. My 2cents:

- Really vibrant and very nice size screen. Wacthing videos is justs so much better on it than my N900. The 0.5" size is huge.

- It plays 720P videos downloaded off the net perfectly. 1280x720 resolution MKV files with H264 and AC3 plays butter smooth. Same with 720P xvid videos with AC3. Haven't tried ones with DTS yet. Also, the videos are crystal clear. Has option of stretch to screen or keep ratio. So as a video player on the go, it can't be beat nearly.

- Games play with amazing framerate. Man, wish N900 had some decent proper 3D games. I guess we'll never get them. Well, maybe 1 or 2. Whoopee.

- Supports so many input languages out of the box. Nearly all european and asian languages. Even handwriting recognition for Korean out of the box. Awesome. Nokia needs to learn from this.

Anyways. It's a great Android device. Probably the best one out there currently. In terms of hardware, it is the best.
This makes me itchy to find out what we'll get to see end of this year and next year. Bring on the super phones!

btw, seen the HTC HD3 specs? 1280x800 4.5" display! wow.
Where is Nokia's super duper amazing next-gen phone?!?! Nokia needs to step up.

I don't think the average customer cares about the specs.

jakiman 2010-07-04 05:16

Re: Samsung Galaxy S

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 740041)
I don't think the average customer cares about the specs.

I never said anywhere about average customers. I'm certainly not average.
Considering you are at TMO, you aren't average customers either. :p

These phones are not cheap. Are high end phones generally for the upper end of the market or for tech savvy people. Although I can say that Galaxy S is definitely mum-friendly also while N900 is not as much. Well, I still prefer my N900 but Galaxy S definitely has its stronger points that N900 just cannot match.

railroadmaster 2010-07-04 05:26

Re: Samsung Galaxy S

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 740084)
I never said anywhere about average customers. I'm certainly not average.
Considering you are at TMO, you aren't average customers either. :p

These phones are not cheap. Are high end phones generally for the upper end of the market or for tech savvy people. Although I can say that Galaxy S is definitely mum-friendly also while N900 is not as much. Well, I still prefer my N900 but Galaxy S definitely has its stronger points that N900 just cannot match.

The phone will be on all carriers in the US even US cellular. So yes it is an average customers phone. There are many average people who buy high-end devices such as the Droid or Droid Incredible. So it is an average consumer phone.

jakiman 2010-07-04 05:56

Re: Samsung Galaxy S

Originally Posted by railroadmaster (Post 740092)
The phone will be on all carriers in the US even US cellular. So yes it is an average customers phone. There are many average people who buy high-end devices such as the Droid or Droid Incredible. So it is an average consumer phone.

Well, the word "average" is being used in a very different context here. Being on all carriers does not make it an average consumer phone. If N900 was on all carriers, it still wouldn't make it an average consumer's phone that's for sure. (lol, some might jump at me saying N900 is not even a phone)

Anyways. Specs are important. Apple touts their hardware specs with super fancy words and numbers. They know that people care about the numbers even if they don't know what they actually mean in the real world. Works wonders in sales of computers and digital cameras as well. Apple did wonders to make the iPhone a "cool" thing to have and become a trend setter. Now many buy it even if it's inferior in so many ways. But there are many who still care. So you can't simply group the "average consumers" to one or the other. There are many types of average consumers out there still.

railroadmaster 2010-07-04 05:58

Re: Samsung Galaxy S

Originally Posted by jakiman (Post 740103)
Well, the word "average" is being used in a very different context here. Being on all carriers does not make it an average consumer phone. If N900 was on all carriers, it still wouldn't make it an average consumer's phone that's for sure. (lol, some might jump at me saying N900 is not even a phone)

Anyways. Specs are important. Apple touts their hardware specs with super fancy words and numbers. They know that people care about the numbers even if they don't know what they actually mean in the real world. Works wonders in sales of computers and digital cameras as well. Apple did wonders to make the iPhone a "cool" thing to have and become a trend setter. Now many buy it even if it's inferior in so many ways. But there are many who still care. So you can't simply group the "average consumers" to one or the other. There are many types of average consumers out there still.

The Galaxy S is designed to be an average consumer phone. The ui is designed to be simple an very user friendly.

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