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HellFlyer 2010-06-23 01:28

Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
So I went to Ovi store to check out new program JoikuSpot WiFi HotSpot N900 and found in related category what I thought the premium version what is more disturbing is that description tells

"DataViz ® is proud to bring its 10+ years of PDA & smartphone development to Maemo with Documents To Go ® Premium Edition. With Documents To Go Premium, you’ll be able to view, edit & create Microsoft ® Word & Excel ® files & attachments on your N900. Features like password protection, find/replace, & easy access to recent files make Documents To Go a necessity for users who want to leave their laptop behind! This is a 30 day trial. The full version can be purchased for $29.99."

BUT when I tried to download it shows Documents To Go Viewer :mad:

are they updating Ovi store with new version or its an error:confused:

vignes_k 2010-06-23 01:31

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
already purchased it :) its worth but would be better if we are given editing features like on my 5800 (purchased sw for that too):)

itsANDREW 2010-07-13 09:40

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
when I try go go through the viewer to purchase, it says it's 20$ on their website....

is it worth it? you're supposed to be able to edit files right?

ericj23 2010-07-13 09:54

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
i bought the viewer - should I be getting a free upgrade or ?????

oved_etzot 2010-07-13 11:43

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
There's a whole thread on this - with more info:

itsANDREW 2010-07-14 02:08

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
my question is if it's worth paying for though. right now i understand that it's a viewer only... but if i were to purchase it, would it work flawlessly and seamlessly?

itsANDREW 2010-07-15 00:53

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
does anyone know please?

timwatt 2010-07-15 00:59

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?

Originally Posted by itsANDREW (Post 751023)
my question is if it's worth paying for though. right now i understand that it's a viewer only... but if i were to purchase it, would it work flawlessly and seamlessly?

I am happy with it can't edit anything, can copy and past though, and it looks good. images in .xls files don't display though.

itsANDREW 2010-07-15 01:03

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?
what about msoffice 07+ formats like docx and xslx?

timwatt 2010-07-27 18:29

Re: Documents To Go Premium Trial ?

Originally Posted by itsANDREW (Post 752267)
what about msoffice 07+ formats like docx and xslx?

2007 .docx and .xslx read no problem.

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