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cartz 2007-04-08 09:33

Internet chess on the N800?
Hi there,

Can someone using the N800 please try logging on to the Free Internet Chess Server and seeing if they can play someone.

You can login as a guest without needing to set up an account (although accounts are free). If you choose 'Login Now' from the following web page you'll connect using a Java client.

If this works I'll be rushing out to buy one.

Thanks so much,


Toontje 2007-04-08 09:41

Re: Internet chess on the N800?
No Java on the Nokia internettablets. Sorry.


luketoh 2007-04-08 12:55

Re: Internet chess on the N800?
Hi All,

I noticed that some folks have been able to install KDE on the tablet. Does this mean that they can then use java and stuff like Mozilla?

If so, then would this then mean the chess website (and others that use java applets) would work?


DryLand404 2007-04-08 13:04

Re: Internet chess on the N800?
Currently there is no java support. I believe someone has successfully compiled Java for ARM processor command line only. for graphics, additional librarys would have to be ported.

wasabi 2007-04-08 14:50

Re: Internet chess on the N800?
But internet chess servers can be accessed with other clients besides Java can't they? Surely a small client could be ported to the Nokia that would be albe to do so.


geneven 2007-04-08 19:37

Re: Internet chess on the N800?
Since most Internet chess is speed chess, I doubt if you could play fast enough to do decently. xboard is the program to look at, I think. I don't think that fics or icc have anything very workable, even potentially.

The one chess game available for the N800 is more or less worthless, I think. One thing that would be nice would be to be able to watch chess being played internationally.

At a minimum it would be nice to be able to view rhe games at, but that requires Java.

I love my N800, but it is a bust as far as chess is concerned.

DryLand404 2007-04-08 19:49

Re: Internet chess on the N800?
Chess in yahoo games seems to work okay. It is flash 7 based. I will test a little more. The ads are also flash based and may be slowing response down.
Or not.. very laggy. probably crappy code. in either the ads or the game or both.

geneven 2007-04-08 20:25

Re: Internet chess on the N800?
Someone write us some decent chess software!

Another chess program that would be nice to have available is scid, a good database and game display program. There is a chess program called Knight(s) that I found rather awful.

I'm writing to Mike Lahey, author of Bookup, a chess training program. Maybe he would put together something for us..,

wallcraf 2007-04-08 20:35

Re: Internet chess on the N800?
Based on its description, xboard can probably be made to work on the N800. On the other hand, the 770 has been out for a 18 months and no one has ported xboard yet (so perhaps it is harder than it seems).

It is larger and more expensive, but the answer to this kind of question on the Pepper Pad 3 is always yes. The Pepper Pad has an i386 compatible processor and can use most existing Fedora Core 4 RPMs. I'm sure xboard will work on the Pepper Pad, and in any case I just tried it and the Jin Java application that is loaded after logging in to FICS runs within its web browser (based on FireFox). If you are interested in the PP3, I suggest asking on their Forum to see if anyone is already using it for FICS access.

sungrove 2007-04-08 20:37

Re: Internet chess on the N800?
I don't know about internet chess on the N800, but the chess game that comes loaded on it is very challenging and an excellent learning tool.


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