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puiradu 2010-06-29 11:43

Angry Birds save files.

Who knows where the Angry Birds save files are located. It is anoying to replay and lost the hight scores after every reflash.


Rob1n 2010-06-29 11:59

Re: Angry Birds save files.
The high scores are in /var/opt/rovio/angrybirds/highscores.lua

puiradu 2010-06-29 16:25

Re: Angry Birds save files.

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 733915)
The high scores are in /var/opt/rovio/angrybirds/highscores.lua

This is the only file that I need after a fresh install? Backing up this will unlock all levels with actual progress after reinstalling the game?

NokiaRocks 2010-06-29 16:33

Re: Angry Birds save files.
not sure about that, but better backup the whole folder.

bandora 2010-06-29 16:35

Re: Angry Birds save files.
Here's a response straight from Rovio employee Miika..

eMiL 2010-10-18 20:32

Re: Angry Birds save files.
One more question! How do I change the permission of the files if I don't have a desktop computer? I have filebox installed and I can see that the files are read only.

kaspal 2010-10-19 04:50

Re: Angry Birds save files.
you need to hit the terminal in order to change the permissions... now, a simpler way is to start the game and complete AT LEAST one level, and THEN copy over the savegame... it worked for me.

eMiL 2010-10-19 06:26

Re: Angry Birds save files.

Originally Posted by kaspal (Post 844738)
you need to hit the terminal in order to change the permissions... now, a simpler way is to start the game and complete AT LEAST one level, and THEN copy over the savegame... it worked for me.

edit: Thank you very much! worked perfectly!

AlexGR1987 2010-12-18 11:03

Re: Angry Birds save files.
wouldn't anyone mind sharing with me their save file with me ?
it doesn't have to be 100% complete, but I wouldn't complain if it were :P

Gagandeep106 2010-12-19 09:40

Re: Angry Birds save files.
will some1 share angry birds save pleaseee

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