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disappointed 2010-06-30 08:58

Nokia N900 or iPhone 4g?
my contract is up for renewel. I am considering new i phone 4g or nokia n900.

your thoughts,,,

noipv4 2010-06-30 09:02

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?
If cheaper data plan is in your list of items, then you can go with t-mobile and add a $10 web2go plan for 3G and 3.5G access with N900.

Rest hardware wise, one device is from 2009, the other from 2010, so Moore's law applies :D

Raubtier 2010-06-30 09:13

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?
if you want to decide what you are allowed to have on your phone, including no flash-sites at all, i would go for the i phone..

seriously...n900 of course..

gsever 2010-06-30 09:15

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?

Originally Posted by noipv4 (Post 735113)
If cheaper data plan is in your list of items, then you can go with t-mobile and add a $10 web2go plan for 3G and 3.5G access with N900.

Should this require a voice plan be already purchased or data-plan only option from the T-mobile?

Heman1310 2010-06-30 09:18

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?
Well if I were you I would probably go with an android device, like HTC Evo 4g. N900 is an outdated device, there are alot more powerful ones out there.

noipv4 2010-06-30 09:23

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?

Originally Posted by gsever (Post 735134)
Should this require a voice plan be already purchased or data-plan only option from the T-mobile?

I think it needs a voice plan to go along with it. IMHO this web2go is the most value friendly data plain among all service providers in United States.

Over two years I can save 24 x ($30-$10) = $480

(AT&T data plan cost pm) minus (we2go pm)

rickysio 2010-06-30 09:28

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?

Originally Posted by Heman1310 (Post 735138)
Well if I were you I would probably go with an android device, like HTC Evo 4g. N900 is an outdated device, there are alot more powerful ones out there.

EVO 4G isn't entirely new either - the SoC inside has been existing around for as long as the SoC inside the N900. N900's SoC is not that outdated.

eiffel 2010-06-30 10:01

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?
Here's a side-by-side specifications comparison of the N900 and iPhone 4G, in case it's useful.

slender 2010-06-30 10:07

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?

Originally Posted by disappointed (Post 735106)
my contract is up for renewel. I am considering new i phone 4g or nokia n900.

your thoughts,,,

How about your thoughts about what you want. It should not be too much to ask to list simple must have - nice to have feature list. Also little thinking on where and how you normally use or could use these mobile devices is one of normal things to do before even thinking on buying (or posting one-line questions).

fergusso 2010-06-30 10:11

Re: nokia n900 or I phone 4g?
go for iphone 4 if you want quality apps and quality games. n900 is a Geek stuff (spend more time and lots of common sense to install an app/hack) otherwise still go with iphone 4 :-D

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