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spude 2010-06-30 13:43

[request] Screen backlight always on with long Lock switch press
It would be useful, if you could temporarily turn of the Backlight time-out feature. For example, showing some pictures to other people. When you lent the n900 to other people, it usually happens that the screen turns off automatically to power save mode. If the hw-keyboard is closed, you usually need to give some extra instructions how to get the screen light up.

Hold down the lock switch slide for 5 sec and the backlight time-out will turn off (a small vibration would be a good indicator of this to activate).

Use lock switch again to deactivate this feature and turn the backlight off.

It might be a good idea to add an extra vibration info after about 5min if you have forget to turn of this "ForceLight" feature. ( something like in lens-cover-reminder )

Br, Spude

pelago 2010-06-30 13:50

Re: [request] Screen backlight always on with long Lock switch press
That sounds like a nice idea for an app.

You can set the backlight timeout to 2 minutes in Settings, by the way, which may help.

handaxe 2010-06-30 14:42

Re: [request] Screen backlight always on with long Lock switch press
"Simple Brightness Applet" provides an easy shortcut to do this. No lapse timer tho' - nice idea.


Matan 2010-06-30 14:53

Re: [request] Screen backlight always on with long Lock switch press
The package longpress changes profile on a long press (two seconds) of the lock key. You can easily change it to execute any command you want, including a command that changes the backlight's time out.

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