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cardiff-blues 2010-07-02 09:49

Ovi Store - Instinctiv
I haven't seen this in OVI before. Is this new?

F2thaK 2010-07-02 09:54

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
what is with the screenshots?

cardiff-blues 2010-07-02 09:59

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
I can't download it anyway. Says sorry not available in your language. Which is pretty silly.

DonPIZI 2010-07-02 10:10

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
If I go to this link ovi says me "internal server error" ...

slender 2010-07-02 10:11

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
It´s Nokia's QA. Looks like someone sent transparent screen captures and someone forgot to check them :|

benny1967 2010-07-02 10:12

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
Two others are new: Bhutan Traveller and Baking Calculator. Screenshots look hardly inviting.

weißelstone 2010-07-02 10:23

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
Looks like the extras repository has a better QA than the Ovi Store :p
Baking Calculator wouldn't make it over extras-devel 2010-07-02 18:56

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
Hi Guys,

I'm one of the Instinctiv developers. We're working closely with Nokia to get these issues resolved. We're told it'll be about a 12 hours before this is all sorted out. Sorry for the bumpy launch!

DonPIZI 2010-07-02 19:03

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
Ok, I'll wait... ;)
Tomorrow in the morning I'll testing it once again and when it doesn't work than...

I'll wait another few hours ;)

Zekahz 2010-07-04 07:41

Re: Ovi Store - Instinctiv
App works now. It looks nice but sound doesn't work in no sound profile. I also can not get out of portrait mode. Cool is that it sometimes find the albumart for songs that doesn't have albumart.

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