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jaywhy13 2010-07-02 18:01

N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes
I'm thoroughly confused. I just got my N900 yesterday. It's been running very slowly and I want to do a hard reset. The eMMC flash freezes at the second dot.

Here is what I have done.


flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM -f
Then I held down "u" and plugged it in... that runs through successfully. Then, I unplug the device and run.


flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM -f -R
The output is seen below... it gets stuck there. On my device. First it gives the loading screen with the three dots then it eventually gets stuck on the second dot.


Image 'mmc', size 255947 kB
        Version RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.
USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x0
Found device RX-51, hardware revision 2101
NOLO version 1.4.14
Version of 'sw-release': RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_MR0
Booting device into flash mode.
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.

How can I get past this?

aliirz 2010-07-02 18:15

Re: N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes
just dc your phone when it freezes during eMMC flash, remove the battery n insert it again n boot it up, always works for me

bockersjv 2010-07-02 18:17

Re: N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes
Are you using Windows in 64 bit?

Also have you tried unpluging and plugging the USB back in?

MohammadAG 2010-07-02 19:25

Re: N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes

Originally Posted by jaywhy13 (Post 738826)
I'm thoroughly confused. I just got my N900 yesterday. It's been running very slowly and I want to do a hard reset. The eMMC flash freezes at the second dot.

Here is what I have done.


flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_COMBINED_MR0_ARM -f
Then I held down "u" and plugged it in... that runs through successfully. Then, I unplug the device and run.


flasher-3.5.exe -F RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA_PR_EMMC_MR0_ARM -f -R
The output is seen below... it gets stuck there. On my device. First it gives the loading screen with the three dots then it eventually gets stuck on the second dot.

How can I get past this?

Reflash the fiasco again, then run the eMMC command, do not boot up the device in between (unplugging it causes it to boot).
So basically, run first command, second command, then unplug it if you wish.

jaywhy13 2010-07-02 19:38

Re: N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes

Originally Posted by MohammadAG (Post 738924)
Reflash the fiasco again, then run the eMMC command, do not boot up the device in between (unplugging it causes it to boot).
So basically, run first command, second command, then unplug it if you wish.

I've tried unplugging and NOT unplugging in between. Neither works. This adds to my confusion, since I see conflicting results from many different sources.

Not using 64 bit.

Will try the battery trick. @aliirz: What do you mean "boot it up"? Nokia says not to do that. Does that work for you? Turn on the phone fully? Please explain.


So basically, run first command, second command, then unplug it if you wish.
When I try that it freezes,

geneven 2010-07-02 20:16

Re: N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes
You shouldn't have to reflash the eMMC the day after you got the N900 unless you got it used. If you want to reflash it, can you do it the Windows way?

Of course you should be able to reflash the eMMC, but there's not big reason to do that already, I think, unless you've done some big-time experimentation in the last 24 hours.

jaywhy13 2010-07-02 20:18

Re: N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes
Also, I've installed the latest PC Suite. And I've ensured that I exit it before, are there any other drivers I need to install? I get an error every now and then about not being able to install drivers properly when I try the eMMC flash. I'm using xP

jaywhy13 2010-07-02 20:19

Re: N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes

Originally Posted by geneven (Post 738964)
You shouldn't have to reflash the eMMC the day after you got the N900 unless you got it used. If you want to reflash it, can you do it the Windows way?

Of course you should be able to reflash the eMMC, but there's not big reason to do that already, I think, unless you've done some big-time experimentation in the last 24 hours.

I got it used. I am using Windows.

fahadj2003 2010-07-02 20:28

Re: N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes
it happens to me too
then i had to format my whole pc to win7 ultimate *32bit*
after u connect adn press u key,
it will say
Image 'mmc', size 255947 kB
Version RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.13-2.VANILLA
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.
USB device found found at bus bus-0, device address \\.\libusb0-0001--0x0421-0x0
Found device RX-51, hardware revision 2101
NOLO version 1.4.14
Version of 'sw-release': RX-51_2009SE_10.2010.19-1_PR_MR0
Booting device into flash mode.

then it says
Suitable USB device not found, waiting.

wait for around 1 min..
u'll see the phone booting up, showing the dots thingy then it till recognize the device and emmc will be flashed

jaywhy13 2010-07-04 06:46

Re: N900 eMMC PR1.2 flash freezes
Thanks fahad. That's the only thing that worked. Just for information purposes here's what I did. I used a netbook running Windows 7 (32 bit)
Flash the FIASCO image without the "-R"

Right after flashing is complete...

Flash with the eMMC image with the "-R"

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