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AlMehdi 2010-07-03 21:02

[Request] Prey (Track you phone if lost)
I would love to see Pray got ported to Maemo. It looks pretty promising.

I am aware of Iamhere but thinks it has a difficult to understand UI.

gaular 2010-12-06 01:16

Re: [Request] Prey (Track you phone if lost)
Who I compile the source for maemo? Prey is highly necesary for n900 phones, Android OS have Prey

slender 2010-12-06 01:20

Re: [Request] Prey (Track you phone if lost)
But donīt we already have this type of software? Try power search to find something similar.

Still probably not as professional as prey is.

isfr21 2012-01-03 19:22

Re: [Request] Prey (Track you phone if lost)
Would love to see this on my N9, anyone interested to port the open source prey to the n9?

george-greece 2012-04-10 15:14

Re: [Request] Prey (Track you phone if lost)
Hello guys. I registered before an hour..... i have a problem. I cant install prey on my n900. i have put prey folder on root/share and after i cant open it with x terminal. I write sudo gainroot, after i write but nothing. Do you think i have done a mistake somewhere in the folders?????please help me!:(

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