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ZogG 2010-07-06 08:23

[NEWS] Frash: Flash 10 ported from Android to iPad
Someone made a pretty interesting project -- ported flash from android to iOS4. For that they used jailbroken iPad(with Spirit). The project is available on github - . The more detailed news are here - with video demo. I hope it will help maybe to get the flash 10 on maemo5 as well

noipv4 2010-07-06 08:40

Re: [NEWS] Flash 10 ported from Android to iPad
Was thinking on those terms. Tried using an Android emulator and accessed the Android market place to download flash files.. but no go.

Can some android owner donate the libflash files to the maemo community?

The file is

ZogG 2010-07-06 08:51

Re: [NEWS] Flash 10 ported from Android to iPad
i think the nitdroid owners as well can do it, try to ask them on their thread

HellFlyer 2010-07-07 17:02

Flash ported to iPad?!
Ok so I've read the news that some guys ported flash to iPad using vulnerability in Flash Lite. Cant we use the same for Maemo? I know we have flash 9 NOT lite version but I think it also has same security problems. So what do you think guys? Is it possible to upgrade our version to 10? or even 10.1 ?

ZogG 2010-07-07 17:09

Re: Flash ported to iPad?!

Reffyyyy 2010-07-07 17:10

Re: Flash ported to iPad?!
It was inevitable really. Unfortunately, they still don't have video working.

sjgadsby 2010-07-07 17:12

Re: [NEWS] Flash 10 ported from Android to iPad
The thread "Flash ported to iPad?!" (3 posts) has been merged into this thread.

giannoug 2010-07-07 17:15

Re: [NEWS] Flash 10 ported from Android to iPad
You can easily get the from Android by downloading the .apk file and extracting it with zip.

Bundyo 2010-07-07 17:24

Re: [NEWS] Flash 10 ported from Android to iPad
Yea, but its linked to half the file system of Android...

GameboyRMH 2010-07-07 17:31

Re: [NEWS] Flash 10 ported from Android to iPad
I thought just moving the from Android might work...I'd try it myself if I had access to it!

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