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TomppaS 2010-07-07 11:50

[Announce] A new version of Battery widget

Now I finally continued programming the battery desktop widget. It's just a cool looking widget that shows your current battery state. Some people said that it's too big so I added a feature to resize the widget. There are also some other small fixes. I hope you will like it! :)


It's currently in Extras-devel. Just search "battery" in the Application Manager and install it.

Settings window
Full sized battery
Small battery

bzbnd 2010-07-07 20:13

Re: [Announce] A new version of Battery widget
many thanks for this great app!

Souseke 2010-07-07 21:27

Re: [Announce] A new version of Battery widget
great app! I was wondering if it was possible to animated or add a yellow z on the battery or change the text to charging whilst the phone is charging.

kulas 2010-10-21 03:32

Re: [Announce] A new version of Battery widget
i think it has a memory leak. Did someone experienced it also?

kybo 2010-12-26 02:21

Re: [Announce] A new version of Battery widget
very good widget,

but why don't you display a picture when the battery is charging ???

figaro 2011-06-13 03:59

Re: [Announce] A new version of Battery widget
could you also put an label showing estimate time remaining (doesn't need to be that accurate though) and estimate time when charging?

dtparikh 2011-06-13 04:18

Re: [Announce] A new version of Battery widget
Cool widget, Thanks TomppaS

pali 2011-06-20 14:44

Re: [Announce] A new version of Battery widget
Widget is now in extras-testing. If you like it vote for it:

corduroysack 2012-01-06 12:45

Re: [Announce] A new version of Battery widget
i experienced greater battery drain after using this widget :(

ed_boner 2012-01-06 14:09

Re: [Announce] A new version of Battery widget
is someone maintaining this? would be really great to add some kind of singal (animation or static) when battery is it possible to link it to a command line so it can execute on click a program like batterygraph, or batteryeye?...great looking app!

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