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saeedkheiri 2010-07-08 13:54

java and database
i have one program develop on java and this program have database
i want run on n900 but can;t run plz help me

dwaradzyn 2010-07-08 15:59

Re: java and database
If you want to get help you have to give us the chance to help you - ie more information is needed.
1. What program are you trying to run? Is it J2SE or J2ME? Where it can be downloaded from? What database?
2. How are you trying to run this program and what are the problems you encounter? Any error message? Exception stacktrace?

ljmt01 2010-07-09 01:13

Re: java and database
Being a full linux, I did not see a reason why it cannot run Java if JRE is installed and configured correctly.

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