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nicolai 2010-07-12 09:41

[Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
1 Attachment(s)

here is my new Application.
Scout - Search Contacts, Conversations and Calendars.
You can search for text in Contacts for names, nicknames
usernames, addresses or phone numbers.
Calenderentries with summary or description text.
And text in your conversations.
It is currently in extras-devel. It may crash sometimes
but is mostly useable.

An example is shown in the screenshot for searchtext "test".
The search result category is indicated by the different icons
on the left side (contacts, calender, sms). I use two different
kind of icons for sms and chat conversations and for each
two different icons (with and without the blue arrow)
to distinguish received and outgoing messages.

Selecting a search result has different actions:
-opens a contact details dialog for contacts
-opens the calendar app for calendar entries (agenda view)
-opens a new window with the full message text for
I wished I could open the conversation app for the conversation
search result, but I couldn't find a way to do so.

This is my entry for the coding competition. I want to announce it
here and now, first, to collect some feedback and second, because
I know there is a some demand for such an app.

test and
give feedback.


bipinbn 2010-07-12 09:53

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
nice app..was very much needed..will test and report..
Thank you

ossipena 2010-07-12 10:00

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
damn, I quess I'll just buy new N900 in next autumn :D
(this is something I missed coming from E71)

logicalsid 2010-07-12 10:07

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Definitely needed... :)



Power 2010-07-12 10:21

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Cool! One reason I love the "N" so much. You don't have something, you don't like something, hack it up :)

Kudos to u!

SallyJane 2010-07-12 10:28

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
Ah nicolai you've done it again - another neat little app superbly positioned to fill a gaping void....

Thanks !!! :D

aanckar 2010-07-12 10:35

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
A thousand thanks, this app is fantastic and much needed!

After playing around, I have a few first remarks:

- searching is case-sensitive, could there be an option to change this?
- how about an option to jump to the selected entry in conversations?
- pressing enter on hardware keyboard could highlight search button

dbrodie 2010-07-12 10:40

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
I have a small feature request, if possible, to be able to search the Note field of a contact as well? I use this field a lot (solves the problem of what was the name of the Lawyer my friend recommended to call last month :) )
Thanks a lot!

nicolai 2010-07-12 10:42

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars

Originally Posted by aanckar (Post 749038)
A thousand thanks, this app is fantastic and much needed!

After playing around, I have a few first remarks:

- searching is case-sensitive, could there be an option to change this?


Originally Posted by aanckar (Post 749038)
- how about an option to jump to the selected entry in conversations?

Yes, this is the behaviour I wished, too. But I couldn't find a way
to open the conversation app for one conversation. I found no API,
no DBUS call for this. So this message window for the search result
in conversations is just a workaround.

Originally Posted by aanckar (Post 749038)
- pressing enter on hardware keyboard could highlight search button

Thank you for your feedback

saxen 2010-07-12 11:08

Re: [Announce] scout - search contacts, conversations and calendars
does it search "case sensitive"!? :o

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