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jartsuli 2010-07-19 04:43

N900 browser needs 'window close' quick-key
Hello, Im wondering how could I add 'window close' function, as in firefox ctrl+w to n900 builtin browser. I searched this from web, did found lot of special keys, but none of those lists included window close.

I was thinking, could this be added to about:config somehow.. ?

btw great device, battery still dies too quickly but this stays in network (buahaha iphone 4) :D :D

Keir 2010-07-19 08:18

Re: N900 browser needs 'window close' quick-key
surely using the touch screen is quicker than and key combo.

Matan 2010-07-19 08:36

Re: N900 browser needs 'window close' quick-key
Long press of escape closes most windows, including browser windows. This is a remnant from the internet tablets, which had an escape key. You can map an unused key combination to escape (I use FN+Enter), and use it to close windows.

jartsuli 2010-07-19 09:06

Re: N900 browser needs 'window close' quick-key

Originally Posted by Keir (Post 756494)
surely using the touch screen is quicker than and key combo.

Thanks for reply, but actually using touchscreen is slower because I like to browser in fullsceen mode, if I want to close window I must press ctrl+ backspace and click tiny x-button at window I want to close.. and then select another window to use.. with quickkey there would be atleast one click less.

jartsuli 2010-07-19 09:16

Re: N900 browser needs 'window close' quick-key

Originally Posted by Matan (Post 756500)
Long press of escape closes most windows, including browser windows. This is a remnant from the internet tablets, which had an escape key. You can map an unused key combination to escape (I use FN+Enter), and use it to close windows.

thanks.. how can I do this mapping? ..Id like to make ctrl+ k work as kill.

Tesno 2010-10-30 12:09

Re: N900 browser needs 'window close' quick-key
Have you found out how to do the mapping? I'd be interested about making my own variation, but the mapping file is complete hebrew for me.

jartsuli 2010-11-12 10:41

Re: N900 browser needs 'window close' quick-key
.. I have not made any progress, still looking but it seems to be hard task.

Matan 2010-11-12 11:19

Re: N900 browser needs 'window close' quick-key
See here:

richwhite 2010-11-12 11:31

Re: N900 browser needs 'window close' quick-key

Originally Posted by jartsuli (Post 756533)
Thanks for reply, but actually using touchscreen is slower because I like to browser in fullsceen mode, if I want to close window I must press ctrl+ backspace and click tiny x-button at window I want to close.. and then select another window to use.. with quickkey there would be atleast one click less.

Huh? I use fullscreen, then i just simply press the arrow in the bottom right hand side and that brings up the 'x' to close.
Or, tap the power button and hit 'end current task'.
Both options are much faster than opening the keyboard and using both hands to press mapped keys.

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