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myeyegooogles 2010-07-20 20:25

System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
I noticed my N900 seems to slow down every three days. I have to restart my phone to get rid of the lag on the OS. Is there way to check if there is a memory leak?

atilla 2010-07-20 20:38

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
1 Attachment(s)
this is because the high swap usage and the many in the background running apps.
a well knowed problem but you cant do something aganist that.
i reboot my device every 3-4 days.
you can do it with reboot(must be root) in xterm
or you can create a shortcut in your status area

Enyibinakata 2010-07-20 20:57

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
Ratio of real to virtual memory is well too much at 256 : 768 MB. Why not 512Mb of real memory. I also have to reboot every 2 days because of this nonsense design.

muto 2010-07-20 21:01

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
Exactly same problem here.

stlpaul 2010-07-20 21:46

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?

Originally Posted by Enyibinakata (Post 758413)
Ratio of real to virtual memory is well too much at 256 : 768 MB. Why not 512Mb of real memory. I also have to reboot every 2 days because of this nonsense design.

Agree, 512 or 1024 would make the device much faster & amazing :)

IMO any device that is unable to even boot to desktop without using swap should have more RAM...

Flandry 2010-07-20 21:49

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
256 MB was the largest available chip at the time of design.

The problem being discussed here all but goes away if you remove the python widgets from your desktop. Recaller seems to be a particularly bad offender. I don't reboot now except when i feel like it.

This has been discussed before and there's a large thread somewhere about it and also a bug report.

Enyibinakata 2010-07-20 22:00

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?

Originally Posted by Flandry (Post 758462)
256 MB was the largest available chip at the time of design.

The problem being discussed here all but goes away if you remove the python widgets from your desktop. Recaller seems to be a particularly bad offender. I don't reboot now except when i feel like it.

This has been discussed before and there's a large thread somewhere about it and also a bug report.

pls let us know id of bug so we can vote for it. This device is near perfection but yet far away due to basic issues like this Nokia board should fire all.

atilla 2010-07-20 22:06

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 758458)
Agree, 512 or 1024 would make the device much faster & amazing :)

IMO any device that is unable to even boot to desktop without using swap should have more RAM...

dont know what you mean if i boot my n900 i have swap 0.
if you have thousend widget its just simply that your phone get slow after a few days.

myeyegooogles 2010-07-21 02:01

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
i have the calendar, facebook, and 3 desktop command execution widgets, along with some app shortcuts and bookmarks, the widgets definitely seem like the culprit.

is there way to restart the hildon desktop without rebooting. rebooting every 3 days is annoying.

also, if there is a way to restart the desktop, then make a script and make a cron job out of it?

yodawg 2010-07-21 02:11

Re: System Slow Down Every 3 Days - Possible Memory Leak?
i too experience this bug and have to always reboot every couple of days

the other day, i had severe battery usage with nothing running... only to discover firefox had left part of its corrupt self running and hogging memory and cpu cycles

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