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bunanson 2010-07-24 01:13

can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?


noipv4 2010-07-24 01:15

Re: can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?
It has 2GB of RAM :O. for $35 :O
I would buy these tablets by the bulk load and sell off the SODIMMS on ebay :) Then the rest part by part and be rich thanks to Indians.

kojacker 2010-07-24 01:33

Re: can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?
A $35 tablet? I'd find that very hard to swallow.

benlau 2010-07-24 01:51

Re: can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?
I remember that there have a news that India claims they could make a $10 netbook.. Ofcoz we can not see any follow up happending.. I guess it will be the same.

linuxeventually 2010-07-24 02:00

Re: can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?

One person's typo/mistake gets blogged, and re-blogged and etc.
Clearly it's a 2gigs of flash memory (which is cheap). not 2gigs of RAM. geesh.

Oh and I predict a bit lower than $70 when it's all said and done.

Yeah I know that sucks.

Furthermore, clearly it's an ARM device, meaning it wouldn't be a stick of RAM, but rather at best modules soldered directly on the board, and at worst embedded deep in the motherboard.

Seeing as how you can't find (with few exceptions) a embedded device with more than 256MB of RAM, the person reporting 2GB is clueless.

F2thaK 2010-07-24 02:05

Re: can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?

Originally Posted by kojacker (Post 762817)
A $35 tablet? I'd find that very hard to swallow.

cuz its too big


Maj3stic 2010-07-24 02:46

Re: can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?
If you continue to read near the end of the article they sate "This is just a prototype," education expert Zubin Malhotra told Newsxlive. "We need to find people who will be able to manufacture these devices at these price points and continue to develop them going forward." Highly unlikely that a company will be able to manufacture this product by the masses for that low of a price, very mileading.

silvermountain 2010-07-24 03:20

Re: can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?
I don't see what the difference is between that article and me saying "I will sell $2 cars! I'm just looking for someone to make them for that price."

horus 2010-07-24 03:43

Re: can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?
Well lets give them our best and hope that they can do it because it would be great for hundreds of children to have a computer to learn on in class.

bunanson 2010-07-24 10:49

Re: can someone help me to get one of these, a $35 tablet?

Originally Posted by kojacker (Post 762817)
A $35 tablet? I'd find that very hard to swallow.

Uh, no. I do not think it is supposed to be swallow :)


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