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Intrygue83 2010-07-29 01:17

N900 or???
What phone on the market is better than the n900 as a whole and why?

Im a techie so give me specs.
i think Im gonna sell my n900 and get another phone because of these pr1.2 issues. But I can't decide.

I was thinking of the iphone 4 but the signal issue is a dissapointment.

What do you think? help me out

imperiallight 2010-07-29 01:20

Re: N900 or???
Get invisishield for the iphone 4. Problem sorted.

geneven 2010-07-29 01:27

Re: N900 or???
The question is this: If you want as close as you can get to a computer in your pocket, what's better than the N900?

Intrygue83 2010-07-29 01:35

Re: N900 or???

Originally Posted by imperiallight (Post 768560)
Get invisishield for the iphone 4. Problem sorted.

what in da hell does a cover have to do with a signal? lol

imperiallight 2010-07-29 01:41

Re: N900 or???
Alot, lol. It's .2mm thick and military grade scratch protection and something I buy for new devices. It removes the signal issue.

It's full body protection remember

Intrygue83 2010-07-29 01:43

Re: N900 or???

Originally Posted by imperiallight (Post 768579)
Alot, lol. It's .2mm thick and military grade scratch protection and something I buy for new devices. It removes the signal issue.

oh ok cool.

So tell me why you think this is better than the n900? tech specs if possible.

imperiallight 2010-07-29 02:00

Re: N900 or???
You can compare specs using

I wouldnt really try and compare them. If you need desktop utility on your phone the n900 is in its own class as a phone

Where the iphone excels is commercial apps. Amazing screen. Slick OS that doesnt rely on terminal to work. Superb product development and support. Great accessories. loads of apps -quarter of a million to date. Super slim and sexy device. Better battery life. Other things too but its a good start.

maguitodelrock 2010-07-29 02:04

Re: N900 or???
He isnt a techie... just some guy that wanna get the newest super duper device just for say "im cool" even if he will not use it entirely.... as we say in my language : a "poser"....
EDIT: i dunno is "poser" has the same meaning in english but u can search in google :D

Intrygue83 2010-07-29 02:05

Re: N900 or???
i cracked my lcd sreen and tryna figure out how to reverse vnc viewer to control my phone from my pc.
coulldnt get help with that so i wanna get another phone.

dont get me wrong i think the n900 is the best unlocked techie phone i ever owned but since this pr1.2 update i have been having too many issues and dont want the headache anymore. tired of important messages and things disappearing.

Intrygue83 2010-07-29 02:07

Re: N900 or???

Originally Posted by maguitodelrock (Post 768590)
He isnt a techie... just some guy that wanna get the newest super duper device just for say "im cool" even if he will not use it entirely.... as we say in my language : a "poser"....
EDIT: i dunno is "poser" has the same meaning in english but u can search in google :D

LMAO too cute

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