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Ykho 2010-07-29 10:18

n900 app manager problems
Hi I was hoping you guys could help me because i've googled my problem and I can't seem to find any soution.

The problem is that when I go in to app manager to download apps it says that there are "no applications available" and when I click uninstall there is nothing there, I also checked the catalogues but there isn't any there. I tried restarting the phone, after restart I am able to use app manager once, but once I close it the problems mentioned above start again, and I need to restart the phone again before I can use app manager.

Here is a copy of the log:

hildon-application-manager 2.2.65
apt-worker: too weak to get lock from 1615.
apt-worker closed connection.
apt-worker exited.
apt-worker is not running

I am currently on firmware 10.2010.19-1

I don't remember installing any dodgy apps recently (because i've been so busy playing pokemon sapphire on the n900 XD

Thanks for your time and effort

matts76 2010-07-29 10:39

Re: n900 app manager problems
Im no expert but it sounds like its a connection problem, i think i had the same problem when i had hardly any reception, have you tried connecting to wifi and trying?

Ykho 2010-07-29 10:43

Re: n900 app manager problems
yup tried wifi and gprs

Berserk 2010-07-29 11:00

Re: n900 app manager problems
So your catalogues are empty? No Ovi, Nokia, Extras etc.?
I had the same problem last week.

Go to
Somewhere not far from the top you'll see this:
"Catalogue name: Extras
Web address:
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

...or simply click here on your Maemo device to install it automatically."

Click that 'here' link and all your repositories *should* magically reappear :) they did on my N900 at least..

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:07

Re: n900 app manager problems

I do have them its just that it wont display them

Berserk 2010-07-29 11:13

Re: n900 app manager problems
Exactly my problem from last week, I had them all installed, but then the list was just empty all of a sudden, not even the standard catalogues were there..

Post is updated by the way :) hope that helps!

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:15

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Berserk (Post 769022)
So your catalogues are empty? No Ovi, Nokia, Extras etc.?
I had the same problem last week.

Go to
Somewhere not far from the top you'll see this:
"Catalogue name: Extras
Web address:
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

...or simply click here on your Maemo device to install it automatically."

Click that 'here' link and all your repositories *should* magically reappear :) they did on my N900 at least..

I dont think the work "here" is linked

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 11:17

Re: n900 app manager problems
Seams like the app manager don't close properly.. have you tried "pkill hildon-application-manager" and then run it again?

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:20

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by Berserk (Post 769022)
So your catalogues are empty? No Ovi, Nokia, Extras etc.?
I had the same problem last week.

Go to
Somewhere not far from the top you'll see this:
"Catalogue name: Extras
Web address:
Distribution: fremantle
Components: free non-free

...or simply click here on your Maemo device to install it automatically."

Click that 'here' link and all your repositories *should* magically reappear :) they did on my N900 at least..

Nope problems are still there :(

Ykho 2010-07-29 11:20

Re: n900 app manager problems

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 769043)
Seams like the app manager don't close properly.. have you tried "pkill hildon-application-manager" and then run it again?

i'm sorry i dont know what that is, could you please explain further?

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