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CepiPerez 2010-07-29 15:26

[ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Hello guys!
I'm working on my firs QT app using the new QTCreator.
It's a file manager, very similar to default one

- Full filesystem navigation
- Root access for copy/paste/cut/delete files
- Share via bluetooth and e-mail
- Bookmars
- Personalized clipboard
- Autorotation
- Multilanguage support (english/spanish for now)

Working on:
- Custom icons for folders and filetypes
- Open files (images, docs, etc)


Now I need some help:

1- How can I open the files (images, docs, etc) using DBus or mimetypes in Qt?

2- The source for build has cracked (no source inside) cause I don't know hot to add files/folders to QtCreator builder. I can send the source to anyone who want to help me making a decent source for the extras builder.

3- Default language is English. The application detect the phone language and load it (if the lang file exist). I've added a Spanish.ts file as example). If someone can help me making new language files I will appreciate this.

Anyways, I made a test build in extras-devel for testing.

Download from here or via Application Manager.

Please let me know how it works.

PD: Sorry for my bad english, it sucks...

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 15:31

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
It would be nice if it was possible to see hidden files with "ctrl+h". Also if you could make it possible to use ssh. I am mainly thinking on scp typ of commands and possibility to save/bookmark those.

CepiPerez 2010-07-29 15:58

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
You can hide/show hidden files using settings, but I think I can add the keyboard shortcut
What is it about ssh? Do you want to view your PC through the file manager or what?

qwerty12 2010-07-29 16:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 769328)
1- How can I open the files (images, docs, etc) using DBus or mimetypes in Qt?

QDesktopServices? Else, libhildonmime works for sure.

P.S. Why use your own sharing dialog? If you use the GTK+ one from sharing-dialog-dev, you also have the "Share to service" functionality, also. (It should work fine as long you do whatever to pass it a char* from your QString and you could pass NULL for its transient window parameter...)

AlMehdi 2010-07-29 16:09

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager

Originally Posted by CepiPerez (Post 769356)
You can hide/show hidden files using settings, but I think I can add the keyboard shortcut
What is it about ssh? Do you want to view your PC through the file manager or what?

Yeah, i saw it was possible to do it in settings. But it would be better and faster to also be able to do it with ctrl+h.

No, that might be asking too much. I just want to be able to send or fetch. That is done with scp.. like.. "scp user@ip-number:/home/user/folder/".. you set up the folder in settings and when you long press for the menu on a file. It will show an option to "send through scp" or something.

CepiPerez 2010-07-29 18:24

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Thanks for hildonmime, I didn't know about this lib.
I've tried GTK sharing_dialog_with_file but it doesn't work. The dialogs shows up, but the file never appears in the new e-mail

dbrodie 2010-07-29 19:08

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Look good, though a quick suggestion, add a secondary field to the files that could be configured to show a date or size. In the regular view you could have it right aligned in the button with a smaller font, and in portrait mode you could have it underneath the filename with a smaller font similar to how the file manager now has it.

asidana 2010-07-29 19:32

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
i can't seem to find it on app manager. i have extras devel enabled

giannoug 2010-07-29 19:40

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Awesome. At least a file manager that looks nice!

Keep it up mate.

daddeddad 2010-07-29 19:48

Re: [ANNOUNCE] FileBox - Just another file manager
Looks perfect to me. Just what I've been waiting for!

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