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Ruliezz 2010-07-29 22:17

afther the flasher, the default browser does't load pages
Hi everyone,

I was traying install Android on a Microcard. But i did some one wrong, so that my OS was broken. I have flasher the firmware again to my phone and every thing working fine. But the browser is not work.

This browser can't load internetpage, well there is internet access and on firefox or opera its works fine!

Can any body helps me!?

Ruliezz 2010-07-31 17:09

Re: afther the flasher, the default browser does't load pages
anybody can help?

geneven 2010-07-31 17:40

Re: afther the flasher, the default browser does't load pages
The browser can't load any Internet page or a specific page? Is there a message?

Ruliezz 2010-07-31 18:01

Re: afther the flasher, the default browser does't load pages
There is no error message and any internet page. He is always loading, loading and loading. There is internet connection becouse i can download applications or visit the web with firefox or Opera.

Ruliezz 2010-08-24 18:59

Re: afther the flasher, the default browser does't load pages
anybody can help?

AndiThebest 2010-08-24 19:16

Re: afther the flasher, the default browser does't load pages
do you have installed fmms?
check your connection settings if proxy server is enabled.

Ruliezz 2010-08-24 19:29

Re: afther the flasher, the default browser does't load pages
ja, ik have install that, but ik have alreay remove the browser how can ik install its again?

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