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acvetkov 2010-07-29 23:42

N900 Camera issue
When I launch the camera application its starts and then error message appears Operation failed. When I try to launch camera-ui.launch from console I get Segmentation fault. This happens to freshly flashed fiasco and eMMC. Before that I got internal driver error using fcam and camera is in use from the flashlight application. The HealthCheck program after the flashing doesn`t start haven`t tried it before the flash.

Any ideas for test/troubleshoot or its hardware issue?:(

Note that the phone has no damage - no recent drops (total 2 drops last one was ~3 weeks ago on a carpet in a case). The camera issue appeared last night when the phone was on very low batter.

acvetkov 2010-07-30 09:11

Re: N900 Camera issue
bump 10 characters

mazzer 2010-07-30 09:26

Re: N900 Camera issue
Uninstall Fcamera and Fcam-drivers and see if the problem goes away.

Freekick 2010-07-30 09:33

Re: N900 Camera issue

Originally Posted by acvetkov (Post 769742)
When I launch the camera application its starts and then error message appears Operation failed. When I try to launch camera-ui.launch from console I get Segmentation fault. This happens to freshly flashed fiasco and eMMC. Before that I got internal driver error using fcam and camera is in use from the flashlight application. The HealthCheck program after the flashing doesn`t start haven`t tried it before the flash.

Any ideas for test/troubleshoot or its hardware issue?:(

Note that the phone has no damage - no recent drops (total 2 drops last one was ~3 weeks ago on a carpet in a case). The camera issue appeared last night when the phone was on very low batter.

I keep getting an operation error (when pressing the camera button to take a photo).

To make it stop I need to change settings every time to save to 'Internal memory' as it won't ever work with MMC save location option.

Not sure if this will solve your error, but...

Does anyone know why this happens?
And why does it always go to MMC as default save option when I restart the phone.
Why can't it just stay on the internal memory save option - and therefore at least stop the camera crashing every time I take a photo.

Wikiwide 2010-07-30 09:41

Re: N900 Camera issue

Originally Posted by acvetkov (Post 770051)
bump 10 characters

First, try to reboot.

"The same here but a simple reboot fixed it. " - quoting nicola.mfb from


Check whether files in /home/user/MyDocs/ are corrupted.

"my solution:
i connected my n900 via mass storage mode to my windows (xp) laptop and right-clicked the phone-icon. then clicked properties and there's a tab where you can check the filesystem and fix errors." - quoting b666m from

waga 2010-07-30 09:51

Re: N900 Camera issue
i mess up with camera driver when i install Fcam..the solution is..just go to application manager uninstall Fcam driver and fcamera..after that reboot...that should do my camera working back with no error..

acvetkov 2010-07-30 11:49

Re: N900 Camera issue
I said I flashed everything, multiple reboots etc still same error. Am doing a filesystem check let hopes that helps. If not am going to install fcam test/unistall fcam. Open to other idea :)

How to check to check roofs for error?

hardkorek 2010-07-30 12:29

Re: N900 Camera issue
Are You using custom kernel? Probably not if you reflashed.
Anyway I had a problem with to low voltages.

acvetkov 2010-07-30 16:01

Re: N900 Camera issue
Check of the vfat partition didn`t help everyting seems ok(if you can trust windows). Currently am re-formatting the vfat filesystem (from a windows PC). Later I`ll try install/uninstall of the fcam.

Anyway to troubleshoot the issue further?

acvetkov 2010-07-31 11:45

Re: N900 Camera issue
So nothing helps tried everything stated above. Anyone has new idea or should I sent it for repair?

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