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stobbsc 2010-08-02 21:41

SyncEvolution HELP
Hi All,

Is this app still working, I can't find any help. and I didn't seem to sync for me with google :-(


magullo 2010-08-02 21:49

Re: SyncEvolution HELP
I am using it on GooSync, and it works fine.
I decided to use their pro account because of the incredible Google policy on contact names/surname.
Calendar sync well too.
I noticed there's a new package in extras-devel, syncevolution-dev, but doesn't work with syncevolution-frontend.
But let's go back to your problem... it looks like that Google sync doesn't work at all, and people is using other backends to support these features: GooSync, Funambol, Nuevasync...

stobbsc 2010-08-02 21:57

Re: SyncEvolution HELP
Ok I've looked at the gooSync website, but don't see the N900 as a device, how does this whole system work, could you explain it to me?

I'm not sure why I need to be using a middle party to sync with google?
How come the the google settings just don't work?

Sorry for the questions.


magullo 2010-08-03 14:05

Re: SyncEvolution HELP
Why Google doesn't work, it's beyond my understanding, sorry.
N900 supports Exchange sync, but with Google something is wrong.
On GooSync site there's a page with N900 configuration.

minty95 2010-08-24 21:09

Re: SyncEvolution HELP
I'm using it with and it works fine, if it's any help I have added a bit about it on my blog

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