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bro3886 2010-08-05 14:38

PERL Modules
I have been playing around with the base PERL build, and have installed the perls-module package using MCPAN -e SHELL.

All seems good for what there is, but does anybody know or have any ideas how to install PERL modules? I have only tried via MCPAN so far but I do not think X-Terminal supports it too well...

Ideally I would like to get the module up and running!


MohammadAG 2010-08-05 14:39

Re: PERL Modules
apt-get install perl-modules?

bro3886 2010-08-05 14:44

Re: PERL Modules
Yes I have downloaded perl-modules already but how do I install specific modules such as IO::Pty and Expect? I presume that the ARM compiles will basically be compatible with the N900 aside from a few tweaks.

bro3886 2010-08-05 15:15

Re: PERL Modules
Would I need to edit the PERL Repository configuration to add the compatible modules?


ilo 2013-03-14 15:27

Re: PERL Modules

Originally Posted by bro3886 (Post 776609)
Yes I have downloaded perl-modules already but how do I install specific modules such as IO::Pty and Expect? I presume that the ARM compiles will basically be compatible with the N900 aside from a few tweaks.

I'm in the same situation. Would love to use ddclient, but it depens on Digest/

What to do?

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