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Jejoma 2007-04-24 09:34

statusbar-cpu does not work
I have installed ossu-statusbar-cpu on my N800 but cannot get it to appear. I presume I should select it in | Control panel | Navigation | Status bar | but it is not there.

I have found the options in |Control panel | Extras| but they are purely for the display.

I am using version 0.5.7 as downloaded with the Application Manager.

Can anybody help me please?

luketoh 2007-04-24 12:17

Re: statusbar-cpu does not work

Go there to get latest version that works for N800.

Jejoma 2007-04-24 15:28

Re: statusbar-cpu does not work
Many thanks - all now works as intended. A handy little display.

Mika73 2007-04-24 16:56

Re: statusbar-cpu does not work
Screenshot? :)

Jejoma 2007-04-25 09:07

Re: statusbar-cpu does not work
Sorry, Im not up to that :( but it's a simple app to try out.

luketoh 2007-04-25 09:41

Re: statusbar-cpu does not work
screenshots here

click on the x if the pics don't show up...should load the bigger picture.

jmk 2007-04-26 01:21

Re: statusbar-cpu does not work
Hi, wondering am i able to launch xterm and example ssh connection straight from custom commands? How do i do that?

barry99705 2007-06-18 06:57

Re: statusbar-cpu does not work
Found the answer! Go to the control panel, then navigation. Found the answer! Go to the control panel, then navigation. There's a status bar tab. Check the graph plugin.

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