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geraia 2010-08-08 03:08

how to connect n900 to pc network?
i have a pc connected to a dsl internet connection with a router ,, and i want to share this connection on my n900 via usb cable or blue tooth can somebody show me a step by step methos ???
thanks in advance :)

rambo 2010-08-08 15:22

Re: how to connect n900 to pc network?
"step-by-step" depends heavily on the exact setup you have (what os, which version [incl language] of said os etcetc) if the pc has wifi that's probably easiest to setup sharing with.

kureyon 2010-08-08 17:16

Re: how to connect n900 to pc network?
Ovi Suite is supposed to allow phone to use PC's internet connection via USB - at least for Symbian phones - not sure whether the N900's version of Ovi Suite is crippled in any way.

geraia 2010-08-11 08:24

Re: how to connect n900 to pc network?
my windows is xp service pack 3 iv got no wifi on my pc but ive got a bluetooth .and i am not sure what is th incl language but i guess its english :D

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