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Dariu5 2010-08-12 10:18

N900 - every „pirate“ must have?
1 Attachment(s)
Last week I had holiday at the seaside. Took N900 with me.

With it I was able to:
  1. Download last episode of Futurama with Transmission using 3.5G (175 MB - about half of hour)
  2. Extract rar's with Xarchiver (lasted 1 or 2 minutes)
  3. And finally watch episode on Media Player.

atilla 2010-08-12 10:21

Re: N900 - every „pirate“ must have?
yes transmission is really a great app.
i was always dreaming of a phone that have a torrent client and a big mass storage so i could download always and everywhere:)

AlMehdi 2010-08-12 10:23

Re: N900 - every „pirate“ must have?
And how much did it cost you? ;))

mmlado 2010-08-12 10:27

Re: N900 - every „pirate“ must have?

Why did you tell this strongly guarded secret to the world???
Now the MAFIAA will sue every N900 user, because it can be used for piracy!! :D

festivalnut 2010-08-12 10:32

Re: N900 - every „pirate“ must have?
could (and did) do that on my n95!

Dariu5 2010-08-12 10:35

Re: N900 - every „pirate“ must have?

Originally Posted by AlMehdi (Post 783966)
And how much did it cost you? ;))

My prepaid operator( offers special price this summer: 1GB for 1LTL/month (0,28EUR) :)

Spotfist 2010-08-12 10:39

Re: N900 - every „pirate“ must have?
try and do that on an iphone! :P

festivalnut 2010-08-12 10:45

Re: N900 - every „pirate“ must have?

Originally Posted by Dariu5 (Post 783972)
My prepaid operator( offers special price this summer: 1GB for 1LTL/month (0,28EUR) :)

0.28 euro for a GB??? on PAYG? :O :O :O think it works out like €1.20 for a MB with some providers here!

Snaps 2010-08-12 10:52

Re: N900 - every „pirate“ must have?
You shouldnt talk about piracy here...

abill_uk 2010-08-12 10:55

Re: N900 - every „pirate“ must have?
Nice one hehehehehe.

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