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fw190 2010-08-18 11:24

[Solved] Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
What to do? After updating some software Xorg is always runnig and eating 95-97% of CPU so its running always on 600mhz and Cony shows 100% of use. What to do?


Moderator Edit: Please try this before asking for more help.


Originally Posted by hawaii

Manually remove /etc/event.d/apmonitord and reboot / kill the xserver (rebooting is enough).

IceJunior 2010-08-18 11:32

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Did you install the advanced-power app?

slender 2010-08-18 11:34

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
"some software"
Hmmm. To help you and other it would not hurt to list what you have updated :|

fw190 2010-08-18 11:42

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Originally Posted by IceJunior (Post 790330)
Did you install the advanced-power app?

Yes. I've instaleed it and the uninstalled as it wasn't workin.

gabby131 2010-08-18 12:10

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
same here, installed advanced power and de-install, did a restore back-up and still has it, need to report this bug to the advance power thread.

IceJunior 2010-08-18 12:10

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Advanced-Power should be the reason for Xorg's 100%. Even after uninstall, reboot and so on...

slender 2010-08-18 12:13

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
Okey. So this is just normal day in boots of devel tester?

quingu 2010-08-18 12:24

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
exactly the same problem here. advanced power monitor seems to be the culprit. my xorg ist constantly running @ 70%. my n900 consumes about 10% battery in 20mins now.

any help on stopping this xorg rampage would be greatly appreciated.

echoblack 2010-08-18 13:03

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu

Well, I guess I get to learn how to flash my device....arg.... lucky Arch Linux has the flasher application in the AUR.

pedro-25 2010-08-18 13:07

Re: Xorg running constatntly at 95-97% of cpu
i also have the same problem i have unistalled advanced power but xorg still running at 100% any solutions out there?

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