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musicman74 2010-08-23 17:15

Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
After 2 weekes i bought my n900 start with this message:

"All telephony functions, including emergency calls, are disables due to a communications error. to recover, you might have a reboot the device."

Also Ovi suite doesn't recognize the phone.

i supposed i installed something bad and
i try also to flash the phone but any result.

anyone can help me ? thankx

zlatko 2010-08-23 17:20

Re: Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
Do I get correct that even after reflash your phone still have this problem? Or you haven't been able to flash it?

musicman74 2010-08-24 10:43

Re: Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
i reflashed before with my windows 7 and had problem in reflashing... yesterday i tryied also with windows xp and works perfectly..
i started and had my operator without this bad writing ...but this morning and turn on my phone another time.. and still the problem yet... also if i don't put inside the sim card make same writing.. is so strange.... :(

slender 2010-08-24 10:46

Re: Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
I do not understand completely. So you flashed your phone and sim card is not detected? If so then what image did you flash? Newest one? List filenames if possible.

atilla 2010-08-24 11:35

Re: Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
maybe you used the wrong fiasco?

mr_xzibit 2010-08-24 11:44

Re: Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
can operators bar stolen phones? did you buy it second hand?

musicman74 2010-08-24 11:56

Re: Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
yes it's second hand.. but i used it for 2 weeks normally...
then start to do this problem.. and say this messagge in yellow (same color when you install some apps) and then i try to reflesh with




the phone is not stolen because the owner give me also the sygic serial number in his own page.

slender 2010-08-24 12:00

Re: Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
did you use this guide:

First flash Combined(rootfs) firmware to n900 (do no use -R switch) then flash vanilla(emmc).

musicman74 2010-08-24 13:40

Re: Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
i tryied now but give me the same result.. same yellow writing and phone sim disabled...

superg05 2010-08-24 13:42

Re: Help!! N900 All telephony functions disabled
your not in offline mode are you?

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