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chiques 2010-08-25 12:41

N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly
Hello Everyone,
I've noticed this behavior occasionally from my N900. I'm using the stock battery and it's not 1 year old yet. The initial symptoms are the N900 heating up (more than usual) for no reason. It's almost like some runaway process is happening. After about 1-2 hours I'll get the double 'doin' sound alerting a critically low battery. Soon after I get alerted of the battery being too low, the unit simply dies out and shuts off.

Has anyone else experienced this? If so, any root cause?

pwm 2010-08-25 14:50

Re: N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly
I have several times had a hildon process hang, drawing 100% CPU. Phone get really warm and runs quickly through the battery.

I can switch between desktops, make phone calls and use running programs.

But I can't start any applications from shortcuts on the desktop, and not interact with any widgets. It is possible to start applications using the menu system. It's just everything on the desktop that is shown but not accessible.

Killing the runaway task - SIGKILL, not SIGTERM - seems to solve the problem.

slender 2010-08-25 14:55

Re: N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly
When phone heats up you can start xterm and look for runaway processes with top command.

shadowjk 2010-08-25 20:54

Re: N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly
When I used to have wifi set to "automatically switch to wlan when available", or something like that, wifi would occasionally start using large amounts of power for no reason. hasn't happened since I turned it off.

chiques 2010-08-26 05:29

Re: N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly

Originally Posted by slender (Post 797966)
When phone heats up you can start xterm and look for runaway processes with top command.

Yes, all applications work. I will try to look for run away processes. I will use


as slender suggested.

chiques 2010-08-26 05:30

Re: N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly

Originally Posted by shadowjk (Post 798345)
When I used to have wifi set to "automatically switch to wlan when available", or something like that, wifi would occasionally start using large amounts of power for no reason. hasn't happened since I turned it off.

I will take a look at the wifi also. Thanks!

Farhan 2011-06-01 23:28

Re: N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly
I have exactly the same problem described by Chiques, had flashed my phone also but this didn't solve the problem. My battery drains out within 4-5 hours without any use. Is this something with the processes running at that time or this is kind of a hardware issue?

Hurrian 2011-06-02 00:08

Re: N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly
This is normal behavior for the N900. Please undervolt, and stay away from 800MHz+.

Cue 2011-06-02 00:36

Re: N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly
in winter, I think this is a "feature".


sorry, I couldn't help myself.

Farhan 2011-06-02 01:50

Re: N900 Sporadically Heats Up and Drains Battery Quickly

Originally Posted by Hurrian (Post 1020534)
This is normal behavior for the N900. Please undervolt, and stay away from 800MHz+.

I didn't get it. I have had this phone for a couple of months now and this behaviour has just starting a couple of days back. I am still in the same area so frequency change doesn't apply here.

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