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raptoro07 2010-08-25 14:32

N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+
I just wanted to give a shout out to the N900. Best phone I've ever had!! Also to T-Mobile. I'm in Greensboro, NC USA where T-Mobile has a live HSPA+ network. The nexus one maybe HSPA+ compatible I hear, but here is a screenshot of my N900 running on 3.5G!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gsever 2010-08-25 14:50

Re: N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+
This is 4 times more than my current WiFi down speed :D The place where I live in the US, there is only 2.5G (might be 2) coverage for tm. Something to consider while moving to a new place.

joshv06 2010-08-25 17:08

Re: N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+
I hit 7.11Mbps from the comfort of my own room! I love this phone with t-mobile web2go!

gsever 2010-08-26 15:47

Re: N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+
Hehe 7 Mb :D In my observation 1 Mb up and 1 Mb down are quite good for having a video chat. Of course these are low limits. From then on the sky is the limit. Wish there were a fast data-only provider here beyond what our poor wifi coverage can provide.

deviantv1ral 2011-02-23 20:35

Re: N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+
i'm only getting around 1mbps what am I doing wrong?

using speed test
on tmobile unlimited 9.99 plan

raptoro07 2011-02-23 20:39

Re: N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+
Where do you live?

Russianhaxor 2011-02-23 22:57

Re: N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+
With my N900 i was getting Joke download speeds compared to my Tmobile G2.

deviantv1ral 2011-02-23 23:42

Re: N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+
texas, although speed test detects my location at seattle, tried both servers and got the same 1mb

Copernicus 2011-02-24 00:28

Re: N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+

Originally Posted by deviantv1ral (Post 954162)
texas, although speed test detects my location at seattle, tried both servers and got the same 1mb

I'm getting full speed here in Dayton. Are you seeing all 5 bars on the indicator in the status bar? (And does it say 3G or 3.5 underneath the bars?)

deviantv1ral 2011-02-24 05:25

Re: N900 and T-Mobile HSPA+
5 bars 3.5g

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