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chaoscreater 2010-09-01 02:37

A possible remedy to boost the N900 (Dual boot Maemo and Symbian)
I've been thinking, why didn't Nokia just combine Symbian & Maemo on the N900?? The hardware is powerful enough to run it, the only difference between the N97 and N900 is the OS. If Nokia can allow N900 to dual boot Symbian and Maemo, wouldn't that make it even better and boost the sales and promote it even further?? It could've done so much better.

I dunno, just an idea i have. Symbian is crap i know, but at least it's been around for a long time.

mokkey 2010-09-01 03:16

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900

m0da 2010-09-01 03:17

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
who the **** wants symbian on their n900

F2thaK 2010-09-01 03:18

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
.......boost???? overclock!!

mokkey 2010-09-01 03:32

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
get kernel power from app man and over clock ur n900 to 1ghz n you will see how fast your n900 is

atilla 2010-09-01 04:03

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
the only difference between n97 and n900 is the os??
what the ****????

paulkoan 2010-09-01 04:16

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
I think the op was referring to boosting sales, not boosting speed.

So the idea was to dualboot the n900 with something people are familiar with - Symbian, with something they are not - maemo, in order to gain more interest and more traction.

Aside from the "same hardware" assertion, this plan doesn't fly primarily because I imagine Nokia has no interest in boosting n900 sales at this point, and certainly little interest in promoting the maemo platform with meego only a couple of months away (this may well be a fairy tale, but I imagine they would plan for it to be true even when it won't be).

The n900 was an experiment for enthusiasts. Given the extraordinary level of moaning and bitterness that arose from that demographic, Nokia would have to be insane to push this device further into the non-tech-savvy demo even if meego wasn't on its way.

TiagoTiago 2010-09-01 04:39

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900
It would be nice if Maemo5 could run Symbian progs out of the box though

Dany-69 2010-09-01 04:51

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 803854)
the only difference between n97 and n900 is the os??
what the ****????

LOL :p ... ahahahahh :)

atilla 2010-09-01 05:13

Re: A possible remedy to boost the N900

Originally Posted by Dany-69 (Post 803876)
LOL :p ... ahahahahh :)

jeah ahhhmm...

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