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xxxxts 2010-09-01 20:04

Disable Application Order Edit
How can I disable the application menu custom order option? I use Catorise, and sometime when I am multi-tasking it will go into the edit mode when I just click on an icon.


xxxxts 2010-09-02 04:35

Re: Disable Application Order Edit
Can anyone help out?

stlpaul 2010-09-02 04:49

Re: Disable Application Order Edit
No idea how to do that, but I will just add my "me too" that the same thing happens to me every day. I tap an icon (not hold), it does nothing for several seconds, and then goes to edit mode, which I have to back out of, go back into the menu and tap the icon again.

xxxxts 2010-09-02 05:24

Re: Disable Application Order Edit

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 804838)
No idea how to do that, but I will just add my "me too" that the same thing happens to me every day. I tap an icon (not hold), it does nothing for several seconds, and then goes to edit mode, which I have to back out of, go back into the menu and tap the icon again.

My exact same issue as well.

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