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jerryfreak 2010-09-01 20:53

nokia messaging down for everybody
this last week, my phone syncs one a day if at all. 95% of mail in my outbox fails to send and lives there forever

my kingdom for a real community imap client

scribbles 2010-09-01 21:05

Re: nokia messaging down for everybody
I haven't received an email on my phone since Monday... WTF??

jerryfreak 2010-09-03 03:42

Re: nokia messaging down for everybody?
bump for user experiences

jerryfreak 2010-09-03 03:50

Re: nokia messaging down for everybody
I'm on AT&T FWIW. last email i got was on 8/31. i added one of the accts that are on my nokia msg as a straight up imap on modest - works fine.

nokia msg. has some outstanding push-like abilities. i often get emails on my phone before i se them in thunderbird. but the frequent downtime is a killer. it gets these strange bugs for which there is no fix and nokia support is like a big black hole.

arora.rohan 2010-09-03 04:24

Re: nokia messaging down for everybody
Here in India also..its not working properly..asking me again and again for password :/ and its not pushing..nor retrieving mails..sadness.. =[

m0da 2010-09-03 05:01

Re: nokia messaging down for everybody
I've been receiving emails just fine today from Gmail through Nokia Messaging.

jerryfreak 2010-09-03 21:55

Re: nokia messaging down for everybody
not even my gmail is working thru nokia messaging

danramos 2010-09-03 22:15

Re: nokia messaging down for everybody
Soooo has anybody called Nokia to complain? Doesn't seem to me that they bother to frequent this place to care about your experiences. (That's what I'm told anyway.)

Pigro 2010-09-03 22:40

Re: nokia messaging down for everybody
if you are having problems I reccomend you delete your NM account from the phone and recreate. I was getting no mail last week & being prompted for my password randomly (to no avail). A delete/recreate did the trick.

Hotshot 2010-09-04 01:50

Re: nokia messaging down for everybody
Havent got an email since monday either. I can send them but not getting them. Why oh why can't they email be solid like bb or the old sidekicks.

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