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thebtman 2010-09-03 06:28

Internet Radio, Feeds & RadioTime
In a nutshell I'd like to listen to UK radio stations via Nokia Internet Radio (abbr=NIR). Sadly, I'm currently limited to BBC World Service, which while informative doesnt fullfil my need for trash talk and thumping basslines with a total avoidance of doom, gloom and up to the minute reports on war, death, theft and murder.

Thus, I've been a searching the Interweb for feeds or streams for NIR, yet dont seem to find anything...:(

Can anyone assist or give some pointers. I know how to add shoutcast stuff, its easy, but Radiotime is the only site with many BBC feeds and its saying I need a WMP plugin, which I dont have.

Many thanks, merci beaucoup, danke, Deala reaza xalda hwuona...

jedi 2010-09-03 08:05

Re: Internet Radio, Feeds & RadioTime
I've added the following to Media Player - Internet Radio Sations

Works for me - hope this helps....

thebtman 2010-09-03 17:34

Re: Internet Radio, Feeds & RadioTime

Originally Posted by jedi (Post 805972)

Dude, massive logical as it seems looking at the above I couldnt find it anywhere...

Thank you:)

Frank Banul 2010-12-17 15:29

Re: Internet Radio, Feeds & RadioTime

Originally Posted by thebtman (Post 805927)
In a nutshell I'd like to listen to UK radio stations via Nokia Internet Radio (abbr=NIR). Sadly, I'm currently limited to BBC World Service, which while informative doesnt fullfil my need for trash talk and thumping basslines with a total avoidance of doom, gloom and up to the minute reports on war, death, theft and murder.

Thus, I've been a searching the Interweb for feeds or streams for NIR, yet dont seem to find anything...:(

Can anyone assist or give some pointers. I know how to add shoutcast stuff, its easy, but Radiotime is the only site with many BBC feeds and its saying I need a WMP plugin, which I dont have.

I'm a little late... but see RadioTimeToGo. Search by location (your city), search podcasts, plenty of BBC.


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