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colm.smyth 2010-09-03 08:33

Twitter Issue
Hi all,

Since Twitter have gone to OAuth only the other day my account for Twitter on N900 wont connect.

Does this mean that N900 does not use OAuth to connect to Twitter ?

This is the integrated Twitter account by the way, not an app etc.

Any ideas ?



cjp 2010-09-03 10:14

Re: Twitter Issue
Sorry are you using an application for Twitter or are you talking about using Twitter in the browser?

Rob1n 2010-09-03 11:06

Re: Twitter Issue
I think he's talking about the Twitter Conversations/Contacts plugin, which I'm pretty sure doesn't use OAuth.

sepehrsfmech 2010-09-03 11:06

Re: Twitter Issue
the conversations thingy twitter

colm.smyth 2010-09-03 11:56

Re: Twitter Issue

Originally Posted by Rob1n (Post 806093)
I think he's talking about the Twitter Conversations/Contacts plugin, which I'm pretty sure doesn't use OAuth.

Correct conversations plugin, please someone fix it if possible

GusCORE 2010-09-22 21:26

Re: Twitter Issue
i'm having the same problem and would like a solution for it ... the "Conversations" on N900 is the best app and gotta keep this way. tks

Limo_4190 2010-11-11 20:44

Re: Twitter Issue
yeah i have the same problem i tried to configure my account and its not working at all!

dan1one 2010-11-11 22:28

Re: Twitter Issue
MohammedAG was working on it.
kinda found a work around.
email him. maybe he would make it public, if it isnt yet.

richwhite 2010-11-11 23:14

Re: Twitter Issue

Originally Posted by dan1one (Post 870853)
MohammedAG was working on it.
kinda found a work around.
email him. maybe he would make it public, if it isnt yet.

As much as i want the workaround i don't want to contribute to MAG's inbox getting cluttered with the same request from a bunch of people.
Have you tried his new method? If so, does it work properly?

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