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ivnvir 2010-09-04 01:28

I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd
This stupid process is killing me and my N900!
Why the hell this **** keeps running and consuming my cpu? The system load goes to 4!
I haven't touched any files, configured tracker-cfg to no index anything, disable thumbnails and stuff AND THIS F*KIN PROCESS KEEPS SHOWING!
it doesnt make sense to constantly rebuild thumbnails... it makes even less when I JUST DISABLED IT.
That's too amateur from Nokia, this is far from a serious professional thing...

Just when I was getting happy with my new battery life

How can Maemo still be so amateur?


luiscesjr 2010-09-04 01:40

Re: I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd

Originally Posted by ivnvir (Post 806801)
How can Maemo still be so amateur?


You know, Windows is in it's hundred Os and is that amateur...
You see this dll problems recently...
ANYWAY, I 've had this prob too some weeks ago, refer to some of the threads around here about processes ( because I can't remeber which one ) and it helped me.
I will keep searching here too, because if I find, it might help other people around too! Sorry if this is not useful, but it's supposed to be:p:D

leetut 2010-09-04 09:25

Re: I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd
love to see another user venting
ive been doing it a lot lately too!
i hope you can get a fix soon bro
cos i know what it feels like to have an awesome phone one day
and a nightmare problem the next day

RobbieThe1st 2010-09-04 09:40

Re: I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd
You can always try renaming it:

sudo gainroot
cd /usr/libexec
mv hildon-thumbnailerd hildon-thumbnailerd-old
echo "#!/bin/ash
return 0" > hildon-thumbnailerd

Note: press the enter key after typing "ash", then type the next line.

This will replace that application with a script that does nothing.

Jaco2k 2010-09-04 09:44

Re: I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd

=leetut; have an awesome phone one day
and a nightmare problem the next day
That right there pretty much sums up my whole N900 experience - when it works, I love it but when it is on a bad day I just feel like reaching for a hammer... and the problem is that it is inconsistent and apparently random. You never know what you are going to get when you boot it in the morning for that day ;)

dchky 2010-09-04 10:58

Re: I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd
@ivnvir - you didn't buy an 'appliance' - you bought a computer that runs a Linux based operating system - with all the overhead that goes with it. Instead of whining because you can't find the silver spoon, learn how to use it, it's not hard - once you know your stuff, then you will earn the right to whine about real problems - hopefully more diplomatically.

There are many threads dealing with this problem, the majority of which have solutions. There is even an application in the repository that lets you configure the thumbnailer daemon.

jaimex2 2010-09-04 11:26

Re: I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd

Originally Posted by dchky (Post 807001)
@ivnvir - you didn't buy an 'appliance' - you bought a computer that runs a Linux based operating system - with all the overhead that goes with it.

Oh what a load of bs, the fact that we have to tweak the bejesus out of Maemo to get it running to a usable standard is not acceptable.

They had a single device with set hardware specs to develop around.

The programming behind Maemo is shocking, at no point should user interaction come to a dead stop. Its the first thing you are taught at any programming institute, its like it was put together by $50 contractors Nokia hired off

It took the community ages to iron out things that should have been thrown back in the developers faces by QA.

Bobbe 2010-09-04 11:34

Re: I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd
let's face it, the tone may be out of line but he kinda has a point.

Nokia has been apologizing about modest since time immemorial and the implementation is still always a little too strong on the crappy side.

barzam 2010-09-04 11:40

Re: I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd
Well, using Linux is always like this: stuff keeps improving (and thus breaking) and you keep fixing them. Personally I like this, and it was a major reason for me to get a Maemo phone instead of something else.

imperiallight 2010-09-04 11:51

Re: I'm about to throw my N900 because of hildon-thumbnailerd

Oh what a load of bs, the fact that we have to tweak the bejesus out of Maemo to get it running to a usable standard is not acceptable.

They had a single device with set hardware specs to develop around.

The programming behind Maemo is shocking, at no point should user interaction come to a dead stop. Its the first thing you are taught at any programming institute, its like it was put together by $50 contractors Nokia hired off

It took the community ages to iron out things that should have been thrown back in the developers faces by QA.
People would rather make excuses than face this. Much like the "I like my fat and heavy phone because it fits nicely in my hand" argument.

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