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TiagoTiago 2010-09-07 14:32

Loopholes for free voice and/or data?
If the moderators judge this thread may stay, here i would like to read about loopholes you know, either current or past, to get free voice, data, sms etc

I know nowadays it's much harder, lots of the holes have already been capped and carriers are much more attent to such things, but i imagine there might still be some stuff they haven't caught yet. Though i imagine discussing them in the open like here would probably make the holes get closed sooner....

pelago 2010-09-07 14:35

Re: Loopholes for free voice and/or data?
Probably not a good idea for a thread on an open forum like this. Anyway, there's so many carriers around the world that what works for one poster likely won't work elsewhere.

TiagoTiago 2010-09-07 14:41

Re: Loopholes for free voice and/or data?
Even if it doesn't apply to me i still am curious to learn about these type of things

dchky 2010-09-08 09:08

Re: Loopholes for free voice and/or data?
The only way to do it would be to clone your device with another. This is terribly non-trivial to the point where I'm not even sure it's still possible on modern hardware anymore.

That leaves you with the only other possibility, exploiting flaws in the crediting system.

Now, keep in mind, even if you could do either of these, it is exceedingly likely that you will get caught anyway. How? Maybe you call up your mom, maybe you visit your yahoo email account, whatever - unless you plan on leading a completely separate and error free double life, you're going to cross paths and your anonymity is gone.

I would suggest you just pay for services like everybody else rather than invest time in an activity that does come with legal ramifications should you actually 'try' anything.

If you are driven by a keen interest to understand how GSM works, then study the signaling system - both the OTA component and SS7, modulation methods, anything and everything about cellular radio. It ~will~ take you a year or more to get a good handle on the basics - and that's assuming you have several hours a day you can devote to study.

giannoug 2010-09-08 09:14

Re: Loopholes for free voice and/or data?
Some carriers here in Greece have Internet services like WiFi hotspots. You connect to the APN and when you open a page it asks for a password (which you need to buy). Its easy to exploit, just setup a DNS tunnel ;)

jd4200 2010-09-08 09:20

Re: Loopholes for free voice and/or data?
I'm not exactly sure about how this worked, but years ago, all you had to do was type in three digits (which changed everyday) before the phone number you were dialling and the call was not charged.

I heard it was a number for the engineers to test the lines.

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