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Grok 2010-09-10 00:46

Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?
The title says it all really, as Jobs likes to say..."This changes things!"

ctbeiser 2010-09-10 01:41

Re: Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?
"as the resulting apps do not download any code."

Nope. No flash.

maluka 2010-09-10 01:50

Re: Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?
Flash won't come. The main reason why iPhones don't have flash is because Jobs wants to charge people money for flash games they could play for free online.

ctbeiser 2010-09-10 01:56

Re: Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?

Originally Posted by maluka (Post 812204)
Flash won't come. The main reason why iPhones don't have flash is because Jobs wants to charge people money for flash games they could play for free online.

You say that, but I'm convinced that Jobs is actually convinced that the user experience should be perfect, and lets face it, Flash kinda sucks. He won't tolerate that. I think it's actually good the iPhone doesn't have flash, because it's cutting down on Flash on the web. Nevertheless, I, being an Alpha Geek, am more than happy with a substandard experience that lets me do awesome stuff.

stlpaul 2010-09-10 02:36

Re: Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?
Unfortunately people's way of dealing with the iPhone's lack of flash is not to make functional noflash versions, but rather to make an iPhone app.

H3llb0und 2010-09-10 02:46

Re: Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?

Originally Posted by ctbeiser (Post 812207)
You say that, but I'm convinced that Jobs is actually convinced that the user experience should be perfect, and lets face it, Flash kinda sucks. He won't tolerate that. I think it's actually good the iPhone doesn't have flash, because it's cutting down on Flash on the web. Nevertheless, I, being an Alpha Geek, am more than happy with a substandard experience that lets me do awesome stuff.

Badly coded flash annoying banners/games/whatever suck, like they suck whatever programming language you can think of, IF the developers suck.

The Unreal engine is awesome right? How come there's so many games using it that suck?

So remember, when you see something made in Flash that sucks, the developer sucks not Flash.

H3llb0und 2010-09-10 02:54

Re: Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?

Originally Posted by stlpaul (Post 812220)
Unfortunately people's way of dealing with the iPhone's lack of flash is not to make functional noflash versions, but rather to make an iPhone app.

That's Steve Jobs goal.
Make iPhone apps that are nothing more than a dumbed down version of a webpage / flash app. And you have to pay him for it.
Not something that is able to run and look EXACTLY THE SAME on any device.

gerbick 2010-09-10 03:00

Re: Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?

Originally Posted by ctbeiser (Post 812201)
"as the resulting apps do not download any code."

Nope. No flash.

Compiled apps for the Apple iPhone from within Flash CS5 - Adobe did not remove that functionality - does not download any code by itself normally. It is self-contained.

Integration into OpenFeint doesn't even change that. So yeah. Flash is a go. So is Unity3D.

This is a good thing; odd because they reversed their own, idiotic changes. But a good thing nonetheless.

Sopwith 2010-09-10 03:22

Re: Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?
Apple got scared that Android will pass them by and scoop their developers. The number of "apps" has been iOS selling point for too long to dismiss easily, that's why Jobs cannot afford to lose any developers due to stupid restrictions.

Grok 2010-09-10 03:27

Re: Apple About Face on Development Guidlines - Flash to Follow?
I think our friend Jobs is showing again how marketing savvy he is. He continues to keep Apple in the Media's eye. I can't help but think this is all part of his strategy. He rarely makes a miss-step (cough, antenna, cough) and when he does his frustration is quite evident.

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