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jonin60seconds 2010-09-14 12:15

The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
I've had my N900 for a year and I must say that now never want to own another Nokia ever again. I've never been so frustrated for so long with a phone before.

I seldomly blog in anger but I had to get this off my chest. So if you want to know why I'm never using a Nokia again, check out my anger here!

atilla 2010-09-14 12:16

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
who cares?

boldap 2010-09-14 12:22

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
i think you are alone,we love Nokia Mobile Computer here.

johnel 2010-09-14 12:23

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by atilla (Post 815734)
who cares?

not Nokia!

Edit: Do read his blog entry he makes some fair points.

agdroubi 2010-09-14 12:25

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
NOKIA is the best

johnel 2010-09-14 12:26

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by agdroubi (Post 815742)
NOKIA is the best

at shooting themselves in the foot.

extendedping 2010-09-14 12:27

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
I agree with most of what you said, minus that they should go with show some love to modrana...

cantruchd 2010-09-14 12:31

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
I think Jonin is right: ...And don’t you Meamo junkies even dare mention Mappero. I can’t even figure out how to get the thing off Italian, and as a smart phone owner, I shouldn’t have to bother with such nonsense...
-> As you shouldn't bother with such nonsense, then N900 is absolutely not for you :-)

For the one who knows, it is as simple as converting from mp3 to spx ^^

agdroubi 2010-09-14 12:32

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream

Originally Posted by johnel (Post 815743)
at shooting themselves in the foot.

Simply sell it and why did you buy it in the first place if you know about the bad nokia support.
NOKIA is known for its high quality products, and NOKIA is the first phone manufacturer in the world.

anthonie 2010-09-14 12:33

Re: The end of the Nokia Smart phone dream
A thorough piece of analysis, you have written there. Truly impressive as it is filled with arguments never heard before. A true gem of positive criticism. I think your name will be remembered by a myriad of tech-savy people for speaking out loud what we all wanted to say but never dared or knew how to.

Speaking of your name: You just had me wondering whether you made a mistake during sign-up and chose this name rather than gonein60seconds. But than I remembered it took you a year to finally draw the conclusion this device was not made for you.

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