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HellFlyer 2010-09-16 04:11

Looks like Nokia really started to change :)
Guys take a look at this article :)

A lot of people including myself were surprised that during Nokia World MeeGo device was not announced but after reading this article and what new CTO (Rich Green) said it makes sense and to be honest I'm happy:)

p.s. Maybe we will see some love towards N900 from Nokia's new exec team? I wonder if council would consider asking Nokia about bringing offical MeeGo to N900. All bold decisions regarding N900 were made by previous execs afterall :cool:

p.s.s. Those who are too lazy to read whole article here is the part I liked the most


Green is a fresh hire for Nokia. He was previously the executive vice president of software at Sun, but resigned from that position in 2008. Much like Nokia's new Microsoft-veteran CEO, Green brings a background in software to a key spot in Nokia's new leadership structure. Green aims to help the company accelerate its software strategy as it continues to undertake what he describes as a transition from being an embedded device company to being a software, platform, and services company.

The reason why MeeGo didn't figure prominently in Nokia's announcements during the event, he explained, is because the company isn't ready to disclose specific MeeGo product plans yet. He says that Nokia is becoming more disciplined about how it presents its roadmap and articulates its product strategy. The company will only talk about products that are ready to ship, rather than products that are in the pipeline. The goal of NokiaWorld, he contends, was to show what Nokia is ready to deliver today. He is concerned that disclosing too much information in advance would cause frustration among consumers and technology enthusiasts when plans change later in the product development cycle.

danramos 2010-09-16 04:20

Re: Looks like Nokia really started to change :)
YES! Thank you! I believe he has the RIGHT idea. Bubbling up anticipation just to dash all hopes by failing to deliver on all the hype ruins things. It's better to simply announce something new almost as soon as it is ready for purchasing. This also gives them the opportunity for last-minute tweaks or changes without stirring up discussions about how they failed at something--and so a last-minute tweak was needed. It helps to save face. My only concern is whether they'll take advantage of that to actually compete, and whether they'll bother to even seek opinions on what makes a product that people want instead of plowing ahead with making what they THINK people want.

On the whole.. I agree that it's good news!

nikolajhendel 2010-09-16 04:21

Re: Looks like Nokia really started to change :)
"Cause frustration" = consumers not interested in buying what's being released?

ossipena 2010-09-16 04:23

Re: Looks like Nokia really started to change :)
i have to admit: it really helped when preorderers started nagging a year ago about the delays.
Now the absolute time is exactly the same than before but you just don't know about device x before first trucks are loaded in the factory...

ysss 2010-09-16 04:25

Re: Looks like Nokia really started to change :)
This reminds me of a particular other tech company... hmm... wait, no,... I had its name on my tongue, but it's now gone.

ossipena 2010-09-16 04:26

Re: Looks like Nokia really started to change :)

Originally Posted by nikolajhendel (Post 817487)
"Cause frustration" = consumers not interested in buying what's being released?

nope, consumers don't want to wait after something is released, they want to go to store next morning and buy the ann. device...

slaapliedje 2010-09-16 04:27

Re: Looks like Nokia really started to change :)

Originally Posted by danramos (Post 817485)
My only concern is whether they'll take advantage of that to actually compete, and whether they'll bother to even seek opinions on what makes a product that people want instead of plowing ahead with making what they THINK people want.

On the whole.. I agree that it's good news!

Yeah, we don't want another Apple that TELLS their users how to think. "why would you NEED multitasking?" "Look at this fantastic NEW feature! You can now multitask!"

Bring on the MeeGo love!


ossipena 2010-09-16 04:35

Re: Looks like Nokia really started to change :)

Originally Posted by ysss (Post 817490)
This reminds me of a particular other tech company... hmm... wait, no,... I had its name on my tongue, but it's now gone.

haha, I almost slipped it myself but that is probably how people really like it: protected from themselves and someone is having full control. Something like piano teacher has 2 hands on your shoulders or similar ;)

ysss 2010-09-16 04:41

Re: Looks like Nokia really started to change :)

Can we get some stats from Reggie... what are the %age of threads that has reference to Apple or iPhone in this forum?

There's some variant of godwin law going on here that any thread that goes on long enough will get apple creep in the end.

Obviously, any thread that references 'market', 'competition' or starts off on an idiotic trajectory will get its Apple on the first page.

extendedping 2010-09-16 12:25

Re: Looks like Nokia really started to change :)
I swear honey I will never hurt you again just open the door, I've changed..


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